"Hey, Mum" I say.

"I've been calling you all day, have you seen any of my messages at all?" she asked.

"No, I've been busy at work" I said as I avoided the crumbled paper Johnathan threw at me.

"Check your messages" she ordered.

I roll my eyes as I dug into my bag for my phone. When I flicked the screen on, I had 15 miscalls, and 4 messages, all from my mum except for one strange number. My phone almost dropped out of my hand when I saw the images my mum sent, they were screenshots of plain tickets to back home for this weekend.

"Mum, you can't just book tickets without asking me" I told her annoyed "What if I had something really important to do during that time"

"You don't, I already asked Johnathan and Fern" she said "You and your friends better get your asses on that plane tomorrow, or I will send backup. Now, ask him for the envelops that I sent you"

"Envelop?" I looked over to Johnathan confused.

The takes out a fancy designed envelope and hands it to me, I take the envelop and turn it over, it had my name on the back in some kind of artistic font.

"Did you open it?" she asked.

I turn it over and pulled the little tringle for it to open, I pulled the white and pink designed card and started reading it. I already knew what this was, and I was fully mentally prepared for this; hell, I swore that when this card finally arrives, I wouldn't reject it. Johnathan looked over to me concerned, he most probably knew what the letter holds.

"Are you coming?" My mum asked.

I sighed "It's time for bygones to be bygones" I told her.

One night when we were camping, I made the decision of being the bigger person from now on, as well as forget and forgive. Life is too short to hold a grudge against someone and to hate someone, so might as well just forgive and forget it happened so you can live your life without constantly remembering the bad things that happened to you.

"Guess we're going to Sam's and Nathan's wedding then" Johnathan said.

"We are?" I looked at him confused, he puts out two extra cards "Fern and I got one as well, which means Jayde is going to be my date, and James is going to be Ferns"

"They're all staying over at the house so don't you worry about it, we have space enough for everyone" my mum assured me "I'll see you on the weekend, bye"

"Bye, Mum" I hung up.

I looked back to my food and started eating my pasta.

Johnathan kept his eyes glued to me "I'm proud of you, Alex" he smiled "It's hard being the bigger person and do what you're about to do, especially after all you went through"

"I guess, it's not like everything is going to be like it used to" I honestly said "Just because I forgave them, doesn't mean I'm going to jump into being best friends again with Nathan and Sam. We're most probably won't cross path ever again, we live all the way here remember?"

He nodded "But what about Noah? We talked about how you're going to forget what happened between you and them and how you won't befriend them again" he said "But we haven't yet covered how you're going to see Noah there, then cave and fall right into his trap, not saying that you were actually able to get over him last time. You still have strong feelings for him"

I rolled my eyes "I do have strong feelings for him, they're just strong feelings to get away from him and never see him again" I said "I mean yes, I will forgive him for what he did but the same goes to him, I'm not going to befriend him again. It's just impossible"

Falling for my gay best friend [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now