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"Alright, alright, that's enough

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"Alright, alright, that's enough..."Draco said, a little embarrassed when Hermione hugged him. His parents were also standing by and all three of them looked at Snape- for once they did not see contempt in his face. "Am I still a jerk?"Draco asked him. "Yes you're still a jerk."Snape's lips curled,"But...good job." Hermione smiled widely; no matter what he said, she knew her husband was proud of his student..............................................
The tables and chairs had been cleared away and the Great Hall was readied for the dance. Suddenly, to everyone's (most particularly Hermione's) surprise, Snape took the stage to say something, accompanied by a hoot from McGonagall. "Yes, thank you- if someone can put Minerva's glass slightly out of reach, that'd be lovely."he began,"Let me tell you about the time when Hermione first confessed her love to me- yes, yes, she was the one to do it- she always speaks her heart. I proposed first though- I wasn't willing to let that opportunity go. But I never thought it would ever lead upto this. She had opened her heart out to me and I had left it in pieces. I convinced myself that the whole thing was ridiculously inappropriate; I let her know as much too. I lied to her as well as myself. I- I couldn't bear to deal with the emotions she had created in me; she had shown me the truth long before I could see it myself. But I can't entirely be blamed- all emotions, and in particular love, stands opposed to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things." The guests looked at each other and then at Hermione, but she only had eyes for her husband and knew he was trying to coherently put forward in words the overwhelming feelings inside him. "The point I’m trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant and all-round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune of meeting.  I am dismissive of the virtuous, unbothered by the beautiful and uncomprehending in the face of the happy. So if I didn’t understand that I was the object of even the remotest affection of a person, it is because I never expected to even be anybody’s friend." Everyone was listening intently and thinking what he was saying was true, but just because he was not that good at expressing emotions doesn't mean he was incapable of love or getting loved back in return. "Certainly not the conpanion of one of the bravest, kindest and wisest human beings I have ever had the good fortune of knowing."he smiled at Hermione, who smiled back proudly and several of the guests made appreciative “aww” sounds. "On a scale of 1 to 10- how drunk do you think he is?" "12!" Hermione caught Harry and Ron having this whispered conversation and hit them playfully,"Excuse me, he is perfectly capable of saying nice things without being drunk!" "Please! Previously the old git only opened his mouth to shoot arrows of sarcasm and snide remarks." Snape continued, getting his wife's attention back again,"Hermione, I am a ridiculous man...redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your companionship." Hermione shook her head, hiding her tears as he looked around at the whole room,"Today you stand amongst your friends and the man you have saved, in more ways than you know-the one you have made the happiest man in the world by making him your husband– in short, all the people who love and care for you most in this world. And I know I speak for everyone here as well, when I say we will never let you down, and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that." While most of the guests also dabbed at their eyes and applauded, Snape walked down to meet his wife with a long kiss, before sharing their first dance as husband and wife, to the tunes of 'City of stars'...................................................
It was nearly evening and almost all the men- with cans of cran-apple- sat relaxed on lawn-chairs in the field outside the castle. They were mostly red-cheeked and jovial while being engaged in cheerful conversation. "Ah love...I've been married for so long now...but I don't think we would ever have what you have- together, ya' know..."one said. "Yeah probably..."some agreed while some said,"I'm happy though." "But it's so unlike anything you've ever experienced before, ain't it? Once you've been in love."Harry said."It's just magical!" "I want that."George and Ron said simultaneously. "It was different in the olden days though..."Mr.Weasley observed. "What would you say is different now? Go on Professor Snape, tell us what you think."urged Neville. The boys egged him on too; Harry and Ron were still roadtesting their theory of their ex-professor being drunk. So they were trying to wrench some embarrassing action or words out of him. But although Snape wasn't drunk, he was very high on joy. He took a swig of his juice and took some time before beginning,"There are all kinds of love in this world and just because maybe it didn't work out doesn't mean it wasn't there. Let me tell you how you'll know for sure: If you liked her and she you, from the very first moment your eyes met and if you are giving this 'love at first sight' the name of love, then maybe you're wrong- because at first glance we may like the most ritzy relic but we display it only as a memento. If you have been spending long nights chatting and calling this love, then maybe you're wrong- because out of sheer loneliness two random strangers would also converse, won't they? Let's say, a beautiful girl passes you by and she clutches your hand tightly, or a handsome guy eyes her and you shield her protectively. If you're calling this cute little jealous possessiveness as love, then maybe you're wrong- a bird's wings might as well be snipped if it is caged, whereas there is an unexplainable liberation in love. Just because you have started understanding each-other's minds, finish each-other's sentences and thus thinking yourselves to be in love, then it could be that you're wrong. Remember, two mendicants also understand each-other's hunger but can only empathise with it- they can do nothing to satiate it. Perhaps you are celebrating your anniversary every month, marking the celebration of your love, but maybe you're wrong- 'cause numbers, dates, years are redundant while enumerating the eternal chronicle of love. I've seen people feature in each-other's social-media stories, displaying to the world how perfect their lives are and think, this is what love is- but maybe they're wrong too. Why don't they understand that love can't be saved through all the various filters but can only be felt, living in that moment? Yes- before finding yourself tangled in her limbs, if you want to entangle yourself in her messy curls; if she can show you her childish eccentricities without the slightest hesitation; before the unveiling of the treasures of her disrobed body, if you can unveil your soul to her, both of you disclosing your every secret, every fear; if it's your hand that wipes away her tears and the reason for the smile on your face is only her, then, not maybe- this is love and if you ever find it then catch hold of it, clench it tight, hug it to yourself and never let go. Without any hint of shyness, putting all egos aside, wherever you can and whenever you feel like, let them know how much you love them. Because, it may take and entire lifetime, or perhaps never, to cross paths with love like that." There was a long silence following this vocalisation, where each guy was lost in his own thoughts, but they collectively agreed that they hadn't seen the Hogwarts master like this before. "Hear hear,"Lupin raised his can and they all cheered in the name of love. Then the women also came outside and were greeted by their men with a renewed fervour- they were indebted to Snape for changing their entire perception. Together, they lighted up the air-lanterns and released them, then stood back and watched the skies light up with fireworks.

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