(Pt I) Chapter Twenty-Five | Final Stay

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Hey guys!! I'm back from KorPan. It was AMAZING! And I ate alot of street food. (I miss the street food the most.)

AND THERE WERE SO MANY VENDING MACHINES IN JAPAN! There were vending machines for hot dogs, hot chips, burgers. I was flabbergasted. (I feel that word is the most appropricate as to how I felt when I was in Japan.)

But anyway, my first stop was Japan and then it was Korea!! Japan...what can I say...their sushi...bomb (meaning it was very, VERY good!) and everything was sooo CHEAP! Korea was AWESOME!!! The clothes were expensive though... (I'll tell you guys the rest of my trip later)

On this note, it would just like to talk about the sinking of the MV Sewol. I was in Korea when it capsized and you could honestly feel the nation praying for those who lost their loved ones. What makes me even more sad is that there where school children who were going on an excursion (field trip). There were children. So my prayers go out to their families.

Enjoy this! :)


Princess Aveline shot an enthusiastic smile at me and while doing so, Wren glared at his Uncle who was making his way towards to me. What was I doing? Digging my heels into the fine grass. Why are you doing this? No...don't look at me. Don't touch me. Don't even attempt to talk to me. I was screaming at him in my mind. Who does that? Who goes back on what we agreed on?

"Are you sure?" Queen Clarissa asked her son, trying to grasp the situation.

I focused my vision of sight on the entrance of the maze, making sure I wasn't giving any of my attention to him. You prickly, selfish, impotent being.

"Yes, I am sure." Prince Brendan answered in the most calming voice.

Well I don't think I'm sure. Has anyone bothered to ask me that? I felt my heart rate quicken, Mamma and the boys were staring at me, seeing if they could get any reaction out of me. My face was impassive, not a twitch of an eye or a shiver of a finger would give me away.

Lady Sylvia's words echoed in my head. He's infatuated by you. You're his first.

"Lyra?" James called. I turned around, expecting four boys to scowl in abhorrence. "Can we speak to you please?"

"I think it's time for the adults to go elsewhere." King Leon said, still trying to make light of the situation.

As Father lead Mamma away, five of the figures slowly disappeared into the distance. Leaving me facing four worried cousins and Princess Aveline grinning at Prince Brendan's back. Lady Sylvia led Prince Brendan away from us, while Princess Aveline was still cradling her son.

"You know you can't stop me once I've made up my mind." I said, looking elsewhere.

"Are you sure about this?" Alex looking more anxious than ever,

"Sure about what? I didn't ask him to volunteer." I pointed out, "He won't exactly listen to me if tell him that I don't want him to guide me."

Princess Aveline smirked.

"And it's not like he's going to kill me in there. Sure a few hateful words will be said but other than that, I think everything will be dandy."

Dandy? I just said dandy. Of course I'm still a little angry that Prince Brendan did what he promised he wouldn't do but wouldn't this be nice; spending time with each other.

"Boys, let her be." Princess Aveline waved.

Marcus continued, "But your Majesty, he's-"

"I know what Brendan can be like. But there's no point in stoping this. What is done has been done." Princess advised, caressing Wren's back so that he could go to sleep. "Its best you leave it at that before he bites your head off."

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now