(Pt II) Chapter SIx | Visitors

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Hey guys. I had a great day so far and I'm in a good mood. So.... 9 hours ago, my alltime favourite Korean/Mandarin boygroup, EXO, released their song that their going to promote: "Growl"
No seriously, because I'm in Australia we're an hour ahead and Korea is an hour behind. I stayed up until one in the morning and I was on Twitter retweeting tweets, refreashing my newsfeed and doing all things possible that caused me to have a minor heart attack. I'm telling you, I love... LOVE EXO. They can dance, sing...THEY CAN DO EVERYTHING! THEY ARE GODS. And I know I might get some slack for saying this but... they dance better than Justin Bieber and sing better (LIVE) than One Direction. I choose to believe this, don't hate me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As much as I want to tell you guys about EXO and how many boys are in the group and what songs they sing, what they do...that might take a long time.
I'm telling you, search them up on Wikipedia. Look at their live performances of their pervious song, "Wolf" and tell me that their not fantastic. I dare you. I double dare you.
Anyone who loves EXO as much as I do please tell me. We have much to discuss. :)

If I don't update, it probably means I'm too busy crying, dying and everything above because of EXO's "Growl"

And if you're open to other music besides from English, listen to EXO. Cause they are the best.


“That’s alright.” I lied, burying my face in a book I picked up.

“You’re not asking us to stay longer?” Sebastian frowned, all four boys showing his concern.

I flicked through the pages until I stopped on the first page, I read the context and came across the loveliest handwriting. I looked closer and read: Property of Prince Brendan Theodorian. Why do you always have to mark what’s yours?

“Cause you usually ask us to stay longer.” Alex cooed, leaning on my shoulder.

I slammed the book shut and put it back in its place. I usually would beg them to stay longer but these past few days have changed me. Pleading and begging wouldn’t get me anything so all I had to do was wait for my stay to come to an end. Ten more weeks, Lyra. You’ll endure it for ten more weeks.

“You boys, staying with me until mid-spring is enough. Besides…I don’t want to get sick of you.” I laughed.

The double doors opened suddenly, Prince Brendan waltzed in; grinning at my boys. “And what are you devils doing in my study?”

“You’re Majesty.” Marcus dramatically bows down on one knee.

“Hello, mate.” Prince Brendan dramatically calls back.

My study? Oh, I should have known. Property of Prince Brendan Theodorian. It makes sense now. As I watched Marcus and Sebastian grab onto the Prince and squeeze him. I felt a pang of jealousy come over me. I thought I was the only one Marcus and Sebastian gave their affection to besides from the lady friends they go out with I thought I was their number one favourite cousin…seeing as I was the only female cousin they had.

The reunion was livelier than mine. It couldn’t be helped, jealousy already took over, and I fuming.

“How are you?” James asked, shaking the Prince’s hand.

Prince Brendan shook his head, “Not so bad. But recently, the devil herself moved right next to-”

He stopped his sentence and look directly at me with utter disgust. In that moment I snickered at his stare and crossed my arms with an attitude.

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now