(Pt II) Chapter Twenty-Four | Crowded

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"I'm ready." We both say at the same time.


I ran my hands through the roses to feel the soft pedals graze my fingertips. So far, our walk had been fine. The King, Uncle Eugene and Father had been leading the pack while the Queen and Mamma quietly followed, conversing between one another. Princess Aveline and Wren were chasing one another as a mother and son should. Marcus, Alex and James kept Prince Brendan company while Sebastian and Lady Sylvia had some quiet time to themselves.

I didn't have an ounce of energy to care about Sebastian talking to her; I had problems of my own. For starters I stayed far behind the crowd. Just think of the last baby duck straying away from its mother and its line of brothers and sisters. That's what I was doing, not straying but keeping my distance. And it was scorching. The malicious sun was burning my skin and my dress started to stick against my skin.

"So what have you been up to these past few days?" I hear Sebastian talking to her.

"Nothing much, my Lord." She replied.

Sebastian said in disbelief, "Come on now. You must be doing something!"

"I've been preparing for the day I meet my future husband."

Please, like that'll help you. Not only has your virtue been taken but you seem like the type to scorn the souls of innocent men. I think to myself, laughing along the way.

"Really?" Sebastian questioned.


"Does this happen to be Prince Brendan? He's been smitten for the past couple of days."

I stopped in my tracks. What are you saying Sebastian? I tear a single rose away from its bush and quietly paced further to hear what they were talking about.

"Prince Brendan? Smitten? Over me?" Lady Sylvia repeated.

"I can only think of you? You're the only person Prince Brendan has been seeing. Unless-" Sebastian was about to turn around to me.

She giggled in the most unprecedented tone. "Of course it's me! But you have to keep quiet about it"

My breathing patterns began uneven. She sure does have the nerve. Sure, Prince Brendan and I agreed to keep this between us. But I can't help but want to severely injure Lady Sylvia for doing what she did. Who does that? I try to wrap my head around what I just heard but I can't. I've been holding my anger in for too long. But I need to be poise and elegant. I need to. I have to. I waited for their conversation to finished but as I was about to walk into a different direction my arm was grabbed by none other than yours truly.

I snatched my hand away from her, "What do you want?"

"Can we talk?"

"No." I told her, deciding to follow the pack in case she wants to kill me.

"Lyra, please." She begged, making it really convincing.

I gave in, "Make it quick."

"I know you heard the both of us talking."

I gave a gasp that hopefully came off as sincere, "Again, is this supposed to be a statement or a question?"

"I'm not starting anything. I came to explain myself." She warned, as if she knew I was about to blow.

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now