(Pt I) Chapter Nine | Unveiled

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So EXO released the 2nd verison of "Growl"...and I am sooooooo happy. I swear the music video is like a peek into heaven.


“YOU WHAT?” Alex shouted from across his room.

After our touchy discussion had finished, the Prince went on about his day with Lady Sylvia and left me to spend the rest of my day to myself. Of course, seeing that I have absolutely nothing do to, I went to each of my cousin’s rooms and gather them all in Alex’s room.

“I don’t see what the problem is…” I quietly mumbled.

And because I gathered them together…again. I told them what the Prince and I had deliberated and what I bargained with him. Alex and Marcus seemed a little too taken aback with my unveiling and were disappointed in my decision.

I quickly added, “I don’t know why you two are upset…either.”

“We’re disappointed because we thought you knew better than this, Lyra.” Marcus cussed.

“You are the one girl we know who knows her limitations.” James continued, “Making a deal like that to his Majesty is-”

Alex cut James off and yelled at me, “like playing with fire! Why did you do it Lyra?”

At that moment, I didn’t understand why they were angry. Sebastian was sitting silently, listening to his three other brothers, saying nothing. I felt like I was being attacked. Well I’m so sorry I was trying to protect myself…

“You haven’t heard the whole story boys.” I divulged.

They were all waiting for me. Waiting for me to tell them the reason I made the deal. I went back through those few moments and I began to contemplate whether I had made the right decision or not. Was it a good enough reason to make such a deal? Did I just put myself in a deeper hole?

“Well? Tell us, if you please.” Alex boomed.

Ridged, I began with a deep sigh. “He said he wanted to fix me. That I didn’t have enough decorum and that I was embarrassing the Royal Family.”

“He said that?” Sebastian finally squeaked.

“Yes, Sebastian. He said that after you boys went along with Sylvia.” I admitted. “I didn’t know whether to feel insulted or to feel… I didn’t know what to feel, so I made the deal. It’s him that needs the fixing.”

The same coloured sets of eyes gaped at me. Looking back at the four of them, I walked towards the middle of Alex’s room and crossed my arms, waiting for at least one of them to respond to me. James did the same as I did and crossed his arms. Sebastian waved his hand around to halt his brothers.

“Leave her be, if this is what she wants then this is what she wants. We’ll be here to say ‘we told you so’…” Sebastian joked, secretly winking at me after he said that.

Thanks Sebastian. He saved me…like he always did. Whenever I was in a sticky situation, he was always there to pick me off my feet.

“He’ll make your life harder.” Alex added, packing the last of his things in his closet and draws.

I smiled in his attempt of sounding worried, “And that’s why I have you boys with me. Besides…Mamma, Father and Julian we’ll be here soon and the Prince won’t take the chance to embarrass me without embarrassing himself.”

“That won’t stop him.” I looked over to Marcus who was already next to me. “When he goes overboard…you tell me. Just tell us when he does…”

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now