Chapter 9: The Day That Couldn't Get Any Worse

Start from the beginning

John looked confused "I was where?" He said sitting back down. "You were passed out on the street corner. Are you taking any medication?" John shook his head. "I was by myself on the street corner. Did I have anything on me? Was I by myself? Did you see a little boy with black curly hair?" John asked frantically

" one was around and not a little boy of that description.....You did however have these on you." Greg grabbed a box from behind his desk and placed it on his lap. He began to take each item out: "One cell phone, one medical bag, one wallet and one....well this was the oddest thing you had on you. One red stuffed animal dog."

John's heart sank as he took the dog stuffed animal. He knew this was a sign from Moriarty. He stared at the stuffed animal which made Greg very confused. "What's that all about?" He asked. John looked up at him worried "Moriarty is back and he has Sherlock." Greg's took his feet off the desk and scooted his chair into his desk leaning forward to talk with John. "What's happened? Tell me everything."


Jim held Sherlock in his arms as he walked to the tall mansion. Sherlock was fast asleep, so peaceful and quiet. "You know Sherlock I rather like you this way. I think I should have done this years ago to you!" He said with a smirk running his hands through Sherlock's hair.  He walked with two large guards behind him following closely. "You're less boring, more fragile and more scared. It's the perfect combination. Plus the best thing of all, all that embarrassment you go through on a daily basis. Mmmmmmmm it makes me so warm inside just thinking about how it must kill you to be so helpless."

He walked to one of the back windows of the house. One of his guards opened it in such a unique way that it didn't trigger any of the alarm systems. Jim gave Sherlock to one of the guards as he slipped into the room. Once inside the guard handed him back to Jim. Jim held his close as he walked to the center of the room. This room was a huge library with a huge fireplace and fancy chair. Jim placed Sherlock on the chair. He stilled remained fast asleep. Jim reached into his inner coat pocket grabbing two pieces of paper.

He placed the two papers on the end table next to the chair. One paper read For John Watson and the other read For Mycroft Holmes. He looked back down at Sherlock. "Don't worry my detective I will see you very very soon. The fun has just begun." With a little kiss on his head he walked to the main part of the house. He cupped his hands around is mouth "Oh Mycroft our little game has just begun."

With that he quickly walked back to the window jumping out and onto the ground. He closed the window behind him, then walked with his two guards away from the mansion.

Mycroft jumped in his seat. Was that who he thought it was?! Whatever the case he quickly opened one of the drawers of his desk and took out his hand gun. He quietly walked out of his room and carefully walked to the main part of his house where Moriarty's voice was heard. He looked around pointing his gun in all sorts of directions when he saw the door to his library open.

He carefully walked to the door slowly opening it some more. He then walked in the room pointing his gun all around to find it empty as well. He stood there confused for a second. Why would he just say that then leave? Then his eyes hit Sherlock. Sherlock was curled up in a little ball on his chair and next to him two notes one with his name on it. Mycroft walked over taking the note for John and putting it into his pocket. The other with his name he carefully started to read.

Dear dearest Mycroft,

You are getting too close with my business and business partner. I would normally kill you by now but lets face it that's too easy. Instead I offer you this deal: Stay away from me and the business I conduct and I'll stay away from your little little brother. He's so fragile nowadays and so easy to get. Infact I just received him from John. As you've already noticed he's slipping from his former self ever second. Now if you continue to bother me I can speed the process up and you'll never see that somewhat normal brother again.

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