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Lisa's POV

Yesterday, I distanced myself to everyone. After singing the song, I can't even glance at Chae. It's just hard to see her hurting, breaking because of me.

I ignored everyone except BTS. The thing is, I can't ignore them. They'll tell Dad if I ignored or avoided them. It's like I'm just a puppet, waiting for the strings to be cut.

Currently, I'm walking towards the laboratory. We're gonna disect frogs today which is disgusting.

I went to my usual spot, at the back. Where no one can notice me... but I was wrong. Jungkook sat beside me, wearing that smirk. I groaned inwardly, I forgot that we're classmates in this period. Me and my mind.

"Okay, all be seated!" Professor Lee said, turning off the lights. Just great.

"You will watch a video on how to disect a frog. Now pay attention." Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my thigh. When will he stop perverting me?

"Be quiet. You don't want anyone to hear, do you?" Jungkook whispered to my ear. He put his hand to my face, making me look at him. And that's where my nightmare starts.

He kissed me. He forcefully kissed me.

Rosé's POV

Frogs are my least favorite animal. This sucks. I'm having a problem and then frogs added to my list. How will I touch them? I can't even look at it!

And how can I even disect if my mind is full of Pranpriya Manoban? Pokpak, Pokpak, Pokpak, I need you back. It rhymes.

Where is she anyway?

I glanced at everyone's face one by one to see where Lisa is. I looked at the back and someone caught my attention.

My mind exploded with anger and hatred. Jungkook is kissing Lisa forcefully. I can tell that Lisa doesn't like the kiss even a bit because she's pushing Jungkook away from her.

I stood up, not minding the looks that my classmates are giving me. I didn't even look back when Professor Lee called me. My mind just kept on telling me to kill Jungkook or at least kick his ass.

I walked up, going straight to where the kissing scene is happening. And when I got behind them, Jungkook didn't even notice me. This dick.

I looked at Lisa, she had her eyes closed. Tears streaming down her eyes. I kicked Jungkook's chair so hard that he fell off it. He even shouted a bad word that echoed throughout the room.

"The hell is your problem?!" Jungkook shouted at my face, splashing his saliva at me. Rude.

"Fuck off." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"What?!" He angrily asked, pushing my shoulder with one hand.

I snapped. "I SAID FUCK OFF, YOU DICK HEAD!" And without controlling my anger, I kicked his jewel hard. Hard enough to make him scream like a girl.

I walked past him and went to get Lisa. I held her hand and led her to an empty classroom. I closed the door and silence filled the room. I am still holding her hand. She's trying so hard to stop her tears from falling. She's biting her lower lip while controlling her emotions. She's not even looking at me.

"You can cry, Lis." I said, breaking the ice. She shook her head while sniffing.

I pulled her closer to me. I snaked my arms around her waist burrying my head in the crook of her neck. "It's okay. You can show me your real feelings, Lisa. I'm here for you." I said, rubbing her back for comfort. Then she started crying.

My girl was suffering more than me and all I could do is give her comfort.

We just stood here, feeling each other's warmth. All you can hear is Lisa's sniffing and whimpering.

"Ch-hae---e..." She mumbled. I hummed "hmmm?" But I didn't get a reply.

"Lisa?" She lifted her head and stared at me.

"Thank you but you shouldn't have done that." She said, with a tear falling from her left eye.

"My dad--" She continued but I stopped her. "Your dad? Why involve him in our conversation?"

She looked away, wiping her tears away. Wait, what? Jungkook, her Dad, BTS? One by one, I connected the dots and guess what? Arrange marriage is the only thing that went in my head.

"You're gonna marry that dick?" I asked slowly, pretending that I'm not hurt.

"Rosé, just stay away. If Jungkook snaps, it won't be pretty." She said, not answering my question and still looking away from me.

"If Jungkook snaps? Oh please! He snapped earlier! Why won't you just say you need help?! 'Cause I don't like this!" I said, raising my voice a bit. I ran my fingers through my hair to stop myself from shouting at her.

Where did the calm and nice Park Chaeyoung go?

"I don't like this either! But I can't do anything! You know why?! Because I'm just a freakin' puppet!" She shouted, pushing me away and hitting me one after another.

"Just stop saving me, Chae. You'll get into a serious trouble." She continued, crying her hearts out.

I grabbed both of her wrist and stopped her from hitting me.  "Just stop being my knight and shining armor for once. I don't need to be saved."

I let go both of her wrist and held her face. I wiped away the tears and faked a smile at her.

"You're really bad at lying, do you know that?" And with that, I shut her up by kissing her.

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