33. Fresh Start

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It was a few days after and it was finally prom. I was excited, yet, not. I know I was praying for this day with Matthew, and here I am with Dakota instead. I saw Matthew holding Layla's hand, my blood boiled. We were at our school gym, and our prom theme was Greek. "Asha? Are you fine?" Dakota asked, wrapping one arm around my waist.

"Yes," I sigh out, "let's just enjoy my last few hours here." I smiled at Dakota. He grinned back, then he held me closer and put his mouth close to my ear.

"You'll have one dance with Matthew, promise." Dakota whispered, my eyes widened.

"Really?" I muttered back, my eyes still wide.

"Yes, and I always keep my promise, now let me go get him." Dakota kisses my cheek and goes off  towards Matthew. I stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before Matthew comes running towards me.

"Hey, Asha. I heard you wanted a dance." Matthew said, I smiled politely and nodded.

"Yeah, I just want one dance with you." I muttered back at him. Soon enough, his arms wraps around my waist, and as a reaction, my arms go around his neck. As we danced for a few minutes, I asked him a question.

"So, why did you ask Layla to prom?" I asked Matthew, his eyes made eye contact with mine.

"Because, I had no one to go with." Matthew said honestly, staring into my eyes.

"You know you could've asked me, right?" I said, staring back, searching for the answer.

"Yes, I knew." Matthew muttered. I felt my heart break, as a break eye contact with him.

"Yet you chose her..." I muttered.

"Yes, but-" I stopped before he could say anything else.

"It's okay, Matthew, I understand. She's skinner, She's funnier, she's prettier, don't worry, I wouldn't have chose me either." I let go of him, and turned around to walk away, but I felt his hand clasp around my wrist.

"No, Asha, that's not it. I promise. What's wrong?" He asked, pulling me close to him once again. I couldn't help but to lean into his chest.

"It's just. It's just I look around everywhere and there's all of these happy people. Then I look at myself and think, what's wrong with me, why can't I be like them." I muttered, my heart was tearing into little pieces. I heard someone grap my arm. I look over and saw Dakota. He mouthed,

"It's time to go." I nodded and grabbed his hand. I then looked over to Matthew and softly smiled.

"Bye. I hope you have the best life." I said, I then walked away, away from my future. He was my future, yet at the same time, my doom. I didn't allow myself to look back, I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to bare leaving him. Soon enough, we were in the car.

"Are you fine?" Dakota asked, his face etched with concern.

"No. I just walked away from my soulmate. I just walked away from my future that I was so excited for. Of course I'm not fine Dakota. Not like I'm literally crying right now, okay?" Tears we're falling from my eyes, I knew I would never see him again.

"Asha, he doesn't deserve you. He chose fucking Layla over you. Layla! I mean, why choose her when you have a beautiful, kind-hearted girl that is absolutely in love with you. Matthew is just being stupid. I mean, he hasn't been in any kind of relationship." I blushed at his comment about me. I look up to him and found him staring at me with a look in his eyes, "Asha, will you go out with me?" My eyes widened at his question, I looked away, but he grabbed my gently grabbed my chin and made me look over at him.

"I promise you I'll treat you better. I promise you I'll stay here with you. I've always liked you Asha, I found myself adoring you and before I knew it, I started loving you." Once he finished his statement, I put my hand where his heart is.

"If you truly did love me, your heart would be beating fast against my hand, we would feel sparks every time we touch. Dakota, though you may think you love me, I truly don't think you should be with me. You're kind-hearted and caring, but there is someone out there, waiting for you to come and sweep them off their feet, just like I did. I promise you, you'll find a girl, that you will truly love, that you would do anything for her." I said, I was telling the truth. Dakota stared at me, his eyes were filled with some sort of emotion.

"Asha. Please." Dakota wasn't convinced. I stare into his eyes.

"I can't. Not now, not right after I left someone really important to me. Please, just leave me alone for now." I muttered, I hated his facial reaction, he looked so heartbroken, but he looked forward and started to drive. The car was deathly quiet and awkward. All I wanted to do is jump out the car.

"I understand. I would've said the same thing to be honest, and thanks for being honest with me. It means a lot." Dakota broke the silence first, I stared at the ground.

"I would never lie about my feelings. Don't worry Dakota, you'll find someone. I'm sure, because of how kind you are. You're one of the kindest and sweetest person I met." My eyes moved at the window as I watched the buildings passing by.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. All I could think about is how Matthew's face when I left, he looked sad, heartbroken. His eyes was the one that broke me the most, it was as if his eyes were begging me to come back.

"We're here." Dakota said, breaking my trail of thought. Dakota stared at me, as if scared for me to leave this horrible, yet beautiful town.

"Thanks Dakota. I'll text you once I'm there." I said, and got out the car. I went to the trunk and opened it, and got my luggage. I then walked up at Dakota once again, and he opened the window.

"I'll miss you Asha, we all will. And by the way, of Matthew finds you, don't blame me if he tries to make you fall in love with him again." Dakota smiled. I grinned back,

"It won't take long for me to fall in love with him, but I may try to stop myself." I laughed, knowing it's the truth, Dakota smiled sadly.

"Do you really have to go? Even though we just basically met, I felt like I've known you for years." He said, I looked at him sadly.

"I do. I need some distance from here. A lot of it." I muttered, I smiled slightly and waved.

"But hey, we'll see each other again, so see you later." I started to walk away, but before I got too far, I hear Dakota yell.

"Bye Asha!" I laughed and walked away, not looking behind me. Today is a fresh start. Today is the day I will change. Yet, I was nervous. Little did I know, destiny once will play a part in my small, little life...

The End~

Author's Note

Word Count- 1275

Pages- 7

This is the end of Dying Flame, thank you for reading the whole book, it honestly means a lot to me! I hope you enjoyed the book, like how I enjoyed writing this.

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