29. Prom Dress

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"Please don't go." I heard Dakota mutter.

"Why?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"I don't know if Matthew can handle another person he loves leave. It'll break him." He said.

"No! He has Layla remember? Matthew has you. I know his story is horrible, but he still has others. He can easily move on." I said. I was trying my best not to cry.

"Okay, but at least, stay till graduation? Even prom!" Dakota yelled out. I shook my head.

"No. You think I'll go to prom by myself? I'm fine." I said as if he's crazy.

"You can come with me. I don't have one. Just please, stay here longer. Plus it'll be hard to find a ticket for tomorrow." Dakota shouted, I sighed. He was right, but I'm different now, I need to defend myself.

"It's in a few days Dakota! I don't have a dress! I don't have a plan!" I shouted, it was bad reasons, but it's still reasons.

"So? I can help you. I'm sure I can pay you anything, please Asha?" He asked me softly.

"No! I can't let you pay for me. It's wrong." I said, I didn't want to rely on people for my own needs.

"Just this once, it's fine. Just, please, say goodbye to him. Enjoy the company for now, think before you do." My eyes went wide. Dakota was right, I had to think before I do. I was relying on my own emotions. I nodded and walked to him. Dakota smiled and held out his hand. I grabbed it and smiled, before passing out. Everything went black.


I woke up to the sun in my eyes. It seemed blinding. I opened my eyes and saw myself in my old bedroom. Shit, I'm in Matthew's house. I got up quickly and found myself in pajamas. Who the fuck changed me? I sneaked out the room and heard many laughs. I looked downstairs and saw Layla, Dakota, and Matthew. My heart grew fast as soon as Dakota spotted me. Shit. He waves at me and soon everyone was looking at me. Oh how badly I want to run away. I smile, blushing and walked downstairs. Matthew looks tense, Layla is secretly smirking, and Dakota is a full blown smile. My eyes went wide as Dakota pull me over him and embraced me. He went closer to me and whispered, "Don't worry, after breakfast, we're going dress shopping."

"I'm excited." I whispered back, and my face bloomed into a full smile. All of a sudden we are pushed away from each other by Matthew.

"No lovey dovey shit here." Matthew growled out. Dakota wraps his arm around Matthew laughing.

"You don't like me flirting with your ex-girlfriend? She's not even yours anymore remember?" Dakota said. I backed up, knowing Matthew will act somewhat jealous, but I'm over it. I'm over this false hope.

"So? It's weird that my best friend is flirting with my ex-girlfriend." Matthew said calmly. My heart broke. "What? He doesn't care anymore? He doesn't care. He never cared about me." I thought. My mind is racing with thoughts as Dakota grabs my hand.

"We're leaving, prom's coming up! We have to buy my date a dress." Dakota winks at me and I laughed, acting happy. I see Matthew eyes widen with surprise and he opens his mouth to speak, but Dakota pulls me out of the house.

"Sorry, it's funny seeing him jealous." Dakota said, looking down at me. I look down as my acting skills stopped.

"It's fine. I understand. Let's go." I walk forward and Dakota followed behind me.


We walked for a while when we found a little store filled with dresses. We went inside and a woman welcomes us. "What kind of dress can we get for you?" The woman asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but Dakota started talking.

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