8. School

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I groaned as I heard the alarm go off. Monday is the worst day! I wish it was Friday. I sat up and put on random clothes. I don't care. I just want to get this over with. I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I didn't even bother to brush my hair. I went downstairs and saw Matthew looking at me, shaking his head.

"What?" I asked.

"Put on some real clothes and brush your hair. You look like a homeless person," I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I groaned. I went back upstairs and put on skinny jeans, a white shirt, a black jacket, and finally, brown boots. I brushed my hair. I looked at myself. 'You look horrible' She's back. I looked at myself again and it was like I changed. I looked fat and ugly. I looked away before it can get to me.

 I looked away before it can get to me

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(What she looks like)

I opened my door and went downstairs. Matthew looked at me. I blushed, he's checking me out! I couldn't help, but to feel excited.

"You look amazing," I just stood there, blushing like crazy.

"Come on we need to go," He took my hand and ran out of the door. Luckily he had my backpack. Once we were close enough, he slowed down, but he never let go of my hand.

"Meet me at lunch okay?" I nodded,

"Under the cherry tree, please, it's special to me," he nodded too and let go of my hand. He ran to Abby, who was near the gate. Matthew pecked her cheek and held her hand. I felt a pang in my chest. Tears were threatening to fall. I held it in and went to class.

-At Mathematics-

I took my seat next to Matthew. The next thing I know was the bell rang and the teacher came in with another student. It was a boy. He looked at me and grinned. I ignored him and turned to Matthew.

"Can we go to the cafe today, I want hot chocolate," I groaned. He chuckled.

"Okay, sounds fine to me, as long as your happy," He smiled a sweet smile. I swooned and blushed madly.

"Class!!" The teacher yelled. I looked over.

"We have another new student and his name is Chase Carson" He waved and winked, all the girls swooned, except me. I only have eyes for Matthew. He's the one who makes me happy. I was lost in thought that I didn't notice someone calling out my name.

"Asha!" I looked over and saw Matthew was shaking me.

"S-sorry lost in thought,"

"It's fine, but as I was saying, let's have a movie night every Friday, just us. No one else, okay? Maybe even play a few games," I grinned and nodded excitedly. I did want to get to know him more. Just then I felt someone poking my back. I looked back and saw.....

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