11. Stay Away!

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My eyes fluttered open. I must have fallen asleep. I looked around and saw I was still at the cherry tree. I saw a girl walking over to me. As she came closer and closer I noticed that it was Ashley. Great, like I would like to see her.

"Get away from Matthew!" She snarled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"First of all, I barely spend time with him. Second of all, I can't really get away from him because we live in the same house." I wasn't feeling like it. I hated snapping at people, but I'm mad. I'm mad at Abby, Ashley, Chase, Nelson, Brandon, Matthew. But I know deep down they were all right. I'm a bitch, a slut, I'm selfish. I try not to believe them, but I will have to face the music sooner or later. I got up and walked away. Ashley grabbed my wrist and held me there.

"He is mine and mine only. If you get any closer, you will get payback, bitch."

I laughed and she looked at me surprised,

"You really think we're close. She has a girlfriend and almost every night we have an argument, so let go of me." I said calmly. I pulled back my arm and glared at her. I ran out the gate. Right when I was outside of the gate I realized something. I just made a mistake that will probably get me killed. I GLARED at Ashley. I'm probably just getting stressed about Matthew. I love him so much, yet does he feel the same? 'Of course he doesn't, he's dating Abby.' I guess she's right. I've been skipping school, I should go back. I turned and walked back into the school. I looked around and found out everyone was at lunch. I grabbed food and quickly look around. I saw Matthew hand in hand with Abby. There was a pain in my heart. Like he was betraying me. Like he wasn't there for me. It scared me. I saw Abby smirked and I saw Matthew ignoring me. I wanted to reach out and tell him to stop, to stop ignoring me and to tell him I love him. I would die for him, but I knew now was not the right time. I knew that even if that will work I will get beat up by Abby and Ashley. It sent shivers down my spine even think of that. I finally noticed that they were in front of me. For some reason I got a bad feeling right now. I took a deep breath,

"What do you want?" I asked emotionless, but it sounded a little bit pained.

"I want you to move out of his house." Abby said harshly. Matthew looked everywhere except me. It was tearing me up in the inside. Maybe he does want me out. I looked down and just nodded, not putting up a fight. Abby smiled victoriously and said, "Don't talk to Matthew ever again." That was hard. It basically asking me to go invisible, like I never knew Abby, Ashley, and most importantly Matthew. I knew I couldn't survive without him, that's how much depended I am to Matthew, but I just nodded. I walked away, in thought and threw my trash away. I kept on walking, not waking from my train of thought. All I could remember is passing the gate to pack my things and leave. Then all of a sudden I heard a horn and wheels screeching. I looked up and saw a car coming to me, fast. Questions filled my mind. Am I going to die like this? What will happen? The next I know is that I saw another car slamming on the side of the car, so it won't hit me. I stood there, frozen, trying to process what happened just now. After a few seconds I shook my head and moved toward the crashed cars. I looked at the cars. They were smashed. I felt bad, but I quickly went to the one that saved me and saw, Brandon. I stared at amazement. I shook my head and pulled him out of the car. I dragged his body a little far away, just in case something happens and I move to the next car and saw a teenage boy, I have never seen in my life. I dragged him next to Brandon and called 911.


The police came and took a look at the cars. I stood there in the middle of it all. Both boys woke up and Brandon was paralyzed from the waist down. The other boy was fine, except for a broken arm and a concussion, but other than that he's fine. While I asked him if he was alright, he started to hit on me. I quickly became uninterested and shot him down. I felt bad for my brother. Even though he was mean, I loved him. I looked at him and walked over.

"H-hey." I say nervously, but he took the situation calmly.


"Thanks for saving my life." He just nodded. A wave of guilt hit my chest.

"Why'd you save me?"

"I love you. I regret ignoring you and I felt bad. I lived with the guilt since you moved. It was harder than I thought it would be." I nodded and stared at him, with tears running down my face. He smiled softly,

"Promise me you won't give up on him."

"How did-"

"The way you look at him, it's obvious." I blushed, but nodded.

"Good, because you guys make each other happy. If he doesn't see it, he's dumb, but I'm sure he would get it soon. Well gotta go, see ya!" The paramedics closed the doors and the car drove off. I turned around, where the boy was and walked over to him.

"Are you sure your fine?" I asked.

"Yeah. And are you sure you want to turn me down? I am very popular with the ladies."

I snapped.

"Well I'm not one of your sluts so, see ya." I sassed my way out there and went back home, but as I got closer and closer, I saw Matthew and Abby making-out in front of the front door, but Matthew pulled away.

"Don't tell Asha to leave the house. If you have a problem with it, then we're over. She is like a sister to me." Abby rolled her eyes, but nodded. Abby tried to kiss him again, but he pushed her away and went inside the house. I felt relieved that he didn't want me to leave, but I also felt a sharp knife dig in my heart. I'm only a sister. Only a sister. I walked closer and went insider the house. Matthew was living room, watching football. He ignored me and focused on the TV. I rolled my eyes and went up stairs. I collapsed on my bed and fell straight asleep.

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