21. Dawn

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I sighed as I woke up. "Last step." I muttered. I felt numb inside as I sat up on my bed. I got out and took out a safe. "This is all my important stuff. I need to give it to anyone I can trust. Matthew and Brandon are the only people." I quietly thought. I opened up the safe and inside was a gold necklace with a ring inside, a gold watch, a camera, and finally a picture of Matthew and I. I took all the stuff out and put them inside a bag. I got ready for school.

 I got ready for school

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I soon got to the gates and saw people in their own groups. I saw Matthew, surrounded my girls again and I saw Brandon, who was alone, a wall supporting his back. I decided it was a right time to give Brandon a couple of my items. I walked over to him. "Brandon, I have something to give you!" I smiled, my first real smile.

"Really? Okay!" Brandon said, staring down at me. I rustled inside my book looking for the necklace and watch. I took out the items and gave them to Brandon. "Here, a necklace and gold watch. I just want to say thanks for being there for me." I quietly said, looking at the ground.

"Thanks! I love it! No problem Lil' Sis, anything for you." He chuckled out. I looked up and smiled.

"Anyway, I have to go. Class starts soon." I ran away, I had to go to class early, to give Matthew a note. I soon got to my first period. I put a note on Matthew's desk and went over to mine. I sat quietly and waited. Matthew soon got to his desk and saw the note. I looked away and started reading my book. "Just wait.." I thought.


I sat by my tree, waiting for Matthew. After minutes went by, I saw him. "Matthew. I need to give you something." I smiled at him. I felt happy and calm today. He smiled at me,

"Okay" Matthew said calmly. I nodded and gave him my camera and the picture of us.

"I want you to keep these. Please keep them safe. They're important." I spoke calmly at Matthew. He nodded.

"Thanks. I'll take special care of it." Matthew said, I nodded and got up.

"I need to go. I have something important coming up." I quickly said and ran. I can't handle him being so close without me crying.


It was the end of the day. I went to everyone's locker and put them inside. I knew no one would come to the locker till after their social activity, which ends at eight. It gave me four hours. I gave Brandon Dad's letter. I ran home. I got ready, to go on top of a building and jump.

 I got ready, to go on top of a building and jump

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It was 7:30 pm and I dashed out of my home. I went to an old building, with no one inside and went to the top. It was a five story building. I sat down at the edge, staring at the dusk.

Matthew's POV

I sighed and went to my locker after soccer practice. I opened it up and saw a letter. I grabbed it and opened up the letter,

Dear Matthew,

I love you. I still do. I still love you and I can't help it. I never believed in love, until I met you. You made my life so much better. Even in the darkest times. You got stabbed because of me. You spoiled me. I never deserved this kind of attention. I never deserved you. Your life would've been much better without. Then you wouldn't have scars on your heart because of me. I love you Matthew. I love you so much. Please, for my sake, please move on, have a great life. Enjoy every second of it. Look on the bright side of things because the smallest parts  in life is the most important. Please, I beg to do it. I want to see you happy from above. I want to see you smile, once more, even without me. I want to see that boyish, shy smile again. The one I absolutely loved. I want to see you enjoy life. You're important to me. You're too important to me. I can't lose you. It's my worst nightmare. Please, take your time on life because before you it, you're already married and having kids. Again, I love you Matthew, I will always love you.

                  Have a great life,
                                 Asha Edwards

I started hyperventilating. "Asha is going to kill herself." My mind yelled, "I need to find her". I slammed the locker door and ran out of the school building. My mind was racing and my heart was broken, thinking of Asha, dead. I ran to her house and knocked, no one answered, so I took out a spare key, I had one for emergencies. I ran inside and looked around everywhere. No Asha. My heart pounded fast.

I ran out of the house and looked around everywhere, but couldn't find Asha anywhere. "Am I too late? Is she already dead?" I thought, but there was one place I haven't visited. I started running over, hoping she didn't kill herself.


It was now 7:50. It was time. I stood up, at the edge of the roof. "I love you Matthew. I always did. I honestly don't deserve you. I trust you Brandon, to take care of Dad. To teach him how to live once again. Dad, please help Brandon through this. It'll be a tough time for Brandon. He'll blame himself. I can't let that happen. Abby, Ashley, Chase, and Jackson, I hope all of you learn that what you did is bad. I hope instead of breaking people down, you build them up. I'm sorry Mother, I love you. Goodbye..." I jumped off the roof.

Matthew's POV

I got there at 8:28 pm. I saw the worst thing I've seen in my life. I saw Asha, laying there, motionless. Her body was covered with blood and was in a puddle of blood. I quickly called 911,

"911, what's your emergency?" I heard through the phone.

"Please come quick! I found this girl laying on the ground, bloody. She looks like she lost a lot of blood!" I quickly said.

"Okay sir, where are you?"

"I'm at the old building. I think she may jumped off the building. I got a suicide letter from her." I quietly said.

"Okay sir, an ambulance is on the way."

"Okay." I said. I ended the call and went over to Asha.

"Asha, baby, please come back to me. You didn't have to do this. I need you. I don't know if I can move on. You are my first love, the one I loved the most, the one who was always by my side. You may have depression, but I don't have a care in the world. As long as you're happy, I am, please come back to me." I cried as I picked her up and hugged her. I suddenly felt her hug back,

"Please move on Matthew, I'm already a goner." Asha whispered in my ear.

"No! No! I love you! Please! Try and live! Live for me! Please! I beg of you!" I started yelling, suddenly her hug started loosen. Then it fell off. I started sobbing and shook her, "Asha? Asha! Wake up!" I yelled, tears sliding down my face. Soon I heard ambulances, coming closer and closer. I looked behind me and saw bright lights. I stood up and turned towards the ambulance, carrying Asha, still sobbing....


Word Count- 1282

Pages- 8 Pages

Author's Note

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story! I worked hard for this. Again, thank you.

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