0.) In Which She Thinks

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What's the worst part of life? Well, it's at night, at 3 am. At 3 am is when my worst thoughts come and hit me like a brick. That's the time when I rethink the day and accuse myself for everything horrid that happened to me. Ashley and her minions beating me up. My dad and brother abused me physically and mentally, nonstop.

But what hurts the most, is the burden of my mother's death. I killed her, and it's all my fault. No wonder everyone hates me. My whole life is a burden to everyone. I can't dare to even look at someone in the eye. The fear of disgust and rejection always gets the best of me. I know people won't accept me. I don't even accept myself. Now, I lay in this bed, crying as if there will be no tomorrow. Everything haunts my mind.

I lay in bed, and look at the cuts on my arms. No one cares. No one will ever care. My mind haunts me every second of the day. Over the course of the years, I've shut my body down. I try my best to have no emotion, but with all the physical abuse in my life, I always tend to break down before I could even stop myself. What can I say? I'm a fucking crybaby. I take everything so seriously, because there is no such things as jokes in my life. My life is simply pointless. "Asha." I jump as i hear my father's voice on the other side of the door.

"Yes, father?" I tried to sound platonic, but my voice cracked from the tears. I feel the fear fill my body. My father only talks to me if he wanted to hurt me.

"Why don't you come here for a second, sweetie?" I shiver from disgust when I heard my nickname, but I stood up and slowly walked over to the door. My heart stops in anticipation as I stood in front of the door, my hand on the knob. "Asha, come here!" My father snarled at me from the other side of the door. I turn the knob and swing open the door. There, my dad stands there, staring at me, a knife in his hand. I scream, but don't try to fight back when he pushes me down to the ground. I've learned to subject no matter what over the years.

"Fucking bitch, what took so long?" My father screamed in my ear, basically making me deaf for a minute, "You'll fucking pay Asha!" My father grabs my leg and starts to cut me. I scream and cry from the deep cuts he's making.

"Stop! Stop! Please, I didn't ask for any of this! I'm sorry, father!" I scream in terror and pain at him, but he doesn't stop.

"You fucking destroyed this family. You destroyed my life! You killed my fucking wife, you slut! You deserve all of this, even if you don't think so." My father eventually stopped and left me, crying on the floor. My legs felt like they're on fire. I silently mourn at my life, at all the things I have to deal with. I stay on the floor, letting silence take over me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.



Word Count- 616


This is the new preview, the old one was crappy as hell. Sorry for the inconvenience and didn't edit the chapters for maybe a few months. School is stressing me out, but thank you for waiting. If you are new, welcome, I hope you enjoy reading my first ever book. I promise it'll get better after a few chapters! Love ya! ♥️♥️

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