14. Without You

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Matthew POV

I took deep breaths as I saw her. My vision began to blur. I didn't know what to do, I didn't go to school for days and I longed for my bed. I never knew how one person could change me life in a few days. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my breathing, but every time I breathed I felt a sharp pain. Damn-it, why did I let you go? I felt stupid. That's when the doctor came up to me,

"You're Asha's boyfriend?" I just nodded, not wanting to speak, "Well, Asha is in a coma right now. We don't know when she'll wake up. She might never wake up, but there's a chance. She also has two broken legs and one broken arm." My breath hitched. Tears filled my eyes as his words echoed through my head. I stared down at her, she looked peaceful. I didn't notice the doctor was walking out, until I heard the door close once again. I fell down to my knees and started sobbing. I remembered the whole time when I kept hurting her. Regret filled my heart. Damn-it, I hate myself. I couldn't look at her anymore, so I slowly walked to my car and drove home.


I opened the door and silence greeted me. I sighed and closed the door. I took off my shoes and went to the couch. I turned on the TV and put it on the food channel. I heard my phone ring and I picked it up to see it was my mom. I reluctantly accepted the call,

"Hey..." I sadly said.

"Hey! Sweetie, why weren't you at school? Are you skipping it?" She asked. I was bombarded with questions and I only sighed.

"It's some personal stuff mom. Don't worry, I'll go to school tomorrow, I promise." I just wanted to get this conversation over with.

"Sweetie, what personal stuff?" She questioned. I just stared at the TV and sighed. I turned the TV off and went to my room, passing by Asha's room, which looked lonely and empty. I felt a pang on my heart.

"It's nothing, I'll tell you later." I mumbled to her.

"Sweetie, were family, you can tell us anything." She begged. My mom wanted to know, but I refused to give up.

"Look mom, I'll tell you later. I have to go, bye." I hung up on her. I knew she was worried about me, but I didn't want her to know. If she knew I was feeling horrible, she would come back her and hang out. She would try to take me to dates with girls, which was horrible. I took a deep breath and laid in my bed. I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

-Next Day-

My eyes fluttered open. It was time to go to school. I just put in jeans and a t-shirt, not bothering to do my hair. I got my backpack and went out the door. I stopped at Asha's door and turned my head into the empty room. I remembered her singing, her voice sounding angelic. I looked down at my feet and walked to school.


I finally got to school, which felt it had been hours. I could feel everyone's gaze at me and they started whispering. I knew it was good things and about my absent, but as I got closer to my locker, I saw Abby. She smiled at me innocently. I ignored her and opened up my locker. I grabbed my books and put my backpack in there.

"Matthew! Listen to me!!" She whined, I turned my head to look at her, "Good, anyway, where's your girlfriend?" She smirked, it got me agitated and I slammed the locker and stomped to my class. I walked in class and everyone looked at me. I ignored them and sat in my seat. I stared outside and saw the cherry tree. My heart clenched. I shook my head and class started.


"Matthew, let's sit next to each other." Abby said. I sighed and shook my head, "But why? Your girlfriend's not here." She complained. I pushed her off of me and I walked outside, slowly moving towards the cherry tree. I sat down and laid my back on the wood. I stared up at the clouds. Tears filled my eyes. I shook them off and started eating lunch.

-After School-

I ran to the hospital, wanting to see Asha. The wind blew my hair. As I got there I opened the door and ran to her room. I opened the door to her room and my eyes landed on her. She was still asleep, looking peaceful. I silently closed the door and walked towards her. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, "Please, comeback to me. I need you more than anything. I can't imagine a life without you. It hurts me every time I see you like this." I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. I didn't know I was crying until I tasted the salt. I covered my eyes with my hands and cried. I've never felt like this in my life. I felt like someone is ripping another half of me. I quietly sobbed in my hands. I took my hands off my face and looked at her. She had scars everywhere from cuts made by her father and her. Most of the cuts were on her arms and some on her legs. I glided my hand on one of the scars and silently cried. I wasn't there for her. All her life, I wasn't there until this year, were she falls into a coma. She might be in the coma for a decade or for 9 weeks, we don't know, which I hate.

I moved my hand to put her hair behind her ear and slightly smiled, "I love you." I quietly said to her, hoping she could hear me. I sat myself down next to her and laid my head on her hand. I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


It's been 6 weeks since Asha fell into a coma and she yet has to wake up. I barely talk and only talk when I'm with Asha. I stared at her face, she had a pale complexions and beautiful black hair, which reminds me of midnight. She has blue eyes that I can get lost into, like a ocean. She was perfect, she was my miss right. I sadly smiled and gently grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. She's amazing no matter what and I love her no matter what. If she's suicidal, then let me help her get through it, even if it kills me. I got up, it was time to leave, "Bye, darling." I mumbled to her and left. The whole way home was lonely. What felt like like hours, I finally got home. I unlocked the door and slowly opened it. As I opened it, I saw my mom. My eyes went wide.

"Sweetie? Are you fine? You look sad." I heard my mom say before she hugged me. I kept quiet and looked at the floor, "Sweetie, come on tell me what's wrong." She whispered, but I kept quiet. My mom backed away and stared at me, she slightly smiled, "I got a surprise, you'll like it," I didn't feel like it, I just wanted to lay down in bed, "Tada!" Suddenly Abby came out of no where, smirking. I rolled my eyes, "I met this girl and she told me that she was your girlfriend and how your ignoring her this past month, so you guys are going on a date! Go on love birds!" I glared at Abby and she just smiled innocently. My mom tried to push us together, but I wouldn't allow her too. I gently grabbed my mom's hand and went to the kitchen, "What?" My mom questioned.

"She's not my girlfriend mom." I calmly said, trying to hide my anger.

"What are you talking about? She told me she was your girlfriend." My mom asked me suspiciously.

"Mom, my girlfriend is at the f*cking hospital in a coma!" I couldn't hold back the tears. I stared down at my feet, in shame. My mom's eyes widened.

"She is?" I just nodded. My mom looked down and hugged me, "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Can I see hear?" I nodded again. I tried to say something, but the words got stuck in my throat. My mom just nodded and went over to the girl, probably telling her to leave. She came back after a few minutes and looked over to me, "Ready to go?" I nodded once again and went out. The walk was silent and awkward. She knew that I didn't want to talk. We finally got to her room and I pushed the door open. My mom's eyes widened, but she quickly hid that emotion. I made the first move and slowly walked towards Asha. Once I was there, I kissed her forehead and held her hand. My mom finally decided to go over to us. She walked closer and looked at her, "She's beautiful. You got yourself a lucky one. Who is she like?" Tears silently fell and I just stared at Asha. After a few moments, I decided to answer.

"She's sweet and kind. She's funny and quirky. She's smart too, but she's suffering from depression. She tried to kill herself many times and was cutting herself. The day I found her, she was stabbed multiple times by her father, her brother helping him. I took her to the hospital and she told me that her father hated her. I let her live in my place. She's precious to me and I can't lose her." I rambled and my mother listened to every single word.

"That must be horrible. I feel poor for this girl. What's her name?" My mom questioned me. The whole time I didn't look at her. Tears silently fell as I answered.

"Her name is Asha..."

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