Chapter 12; After The Chaos

Start from the beginning

Me: Why?

Jawan: Ehh... Just cause.

Me: Okay...

Jawan: What're you all doing now?

Me: They're all in the living room...

Jawan: Well, I'll let you get back to them, so I can get some sleep... G'Night.

Me: Night.

**I walked back downstairs to find everyone still sitting there. Now they're watching tv. I took my spot back next to Trey.

Jacob: What'd Jawan say?

Me: He's getting out tomorrow. We're going somewhere.

Jacob: True... What did you tell him?

Me: Nothing... Just what happened tonight...

Jacob: Nothing else?

Me: No...??

Jacob: Not a certain kiss You wanted to tell him about?

Me: Ugh... Could you just drop it, please?!

Jacob: He deserves to know!

Me: I'll tell him! If it makes you shut up!

Ray: It's really not that big of a deal... It was nothing...

**Jacob glared at him.

Jacob: Piece of shit!

Ray: Would you stop saying that?

Jacob: Sure. Right when you stop acting like it.

Me: Alright. Whatever. Both of you shut up. We've had enough drama for today.

**Craig got up with Claire.

Craig: Well, I think it's about time to hit the haysaaaack.

**He winked at Claire, and she started blushing.

Claire: See ya.

Us: Bye.

**After that the four of us (Me, Trey, Ray & Jacob) sat there watching tv. Then, Diggy came through the door with a girl.

Diggy: Shit! What're y'all doing up??

Me: Watching tv... What were you doing coming home all late?

**Diggy glared at me.

Me: Hey... It's just a question...

Diggy: Everyone, this is Shontelle.

Us: Hi.

Shontelle: Hey.

**She looked really pretty. She didn't wear a lot of make up and her dress was decent. It was short but not too short.

Diggy: Well we're headed upstairs now.

Me: Bye!

**They walked outta the living room and headed upstairs. I don't get is, why everyone's hormones are stuck on high today... It makes me sad that my boyfriend's still in the hospital until tomorrow.

Me: I'm boutta hit the sheets... G'Night, y'all...

Ray: Yeah. I should be heading home too... My mom's probably worried... You know the whole drugs thing...

Jacob: Yeah. Whatever. Bye.

**Ray walked out the front door & I started to walk toward the stairs. Then, I stopped and look at Trey, who was staring blankly off into space.

Me: You gonna stay here, Trey?

**He shrugged.

Me: Well, Goodnight.

**He waved.

* * *

**I laid in my bed upstairs and slowly drifted to sleep...

***I woke up in the middle of a shopping mall. I saw myself there with the same little girl from my other dream. Myla. She wasn't crying this time and she looked so much cuter. She had Jawan's smile and facial structure but had my lips and eyes.

Me: Hey, Myla.

Myla: Yeah?

Me: You wanna go get some ice cream before your dad comes?

Myla: YEAH!!!

**I took her over to the ice cream parlor and she got an Oreo ice cream in a waffle bowl. I just got a choco taco. We sat there eating our ice cream until Jawan came. He looked even sexier in my dream.

Jawan: Hey, honey.

**He came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

Myla: Ewwww!

**Jawan just laughed, picked up Myla and kissed her on the cheek. She started giggling.

Myla: DADDDYYYY! eeewwww!

**She wiped her cheek off with her sleeve.

Myla: You tryna give me cooties!?

Jawan: I don't have cooties.

Myla: That's not what mommy said!

**Jawan gave me a look. I just shrugged.

Jawan: And what exactly did mommy say?

Myla: Mommy said, I shouldn't let a boy kiss me, or I'll catch cooties!

**Jawan just laughed. Myla started getting fussy.

She crossed her arms and squirmed until Jawan put her down, then she pouted and turned away from her father. Kinda like I did at the beach. Now we know who she gets her attitude from.

Myla: Not funny Daddy!

**Jawan stopped laughing when he realized Myla was serious.

Jawan: I'm sorry, Myla. I didn't mean to make you upset.

**Deja vu, huh? Myla walked away from him and grabbed my arm.

Myla: Let's go to the car mommy.

**She didn't even give me time to answer. Just dragged me right behind her. Of course, Jawan followed close behind. When we got to the car, I strapped her into her car seat and went and sat in the passenger's seat. Jawan walked up to the car holding a huge lollipop. Myla was gawking at it, practically drooling.

Jawan: Want it?

**He started waving it in her face. Myla tried to play it off, but it showed clearly in her face how much she wanted it.

Myla: No.

Jawan: You sure? You're staring at it, pretty hard!

Myla: No, I wasn't, daddy! I was looking at the ... Um... Clown face.

**She pointed at the clown serving snow cones in front of the mall.

Jawan: Myla, that is ridiculous. You were looking nowhere near the clown face. But, hey, If you don't want the lollipop, I'll eat it myself.

Myla: Oh, no Daddy! Candy isn't good for you! I will take it.

Jawan: You sure? You said you didn't want it...

Myla: I was just teasing, Daddy!

**Jawan handed her the lollipop, and she ripped the plastic off in less than 2 seconds then, she tried to stuff it in her mouth... It was impossible though, that thing was bigger than her face! I should hurt Jawan for that! She's had too much sugar today. It'll be impossible to put her down for her nap. Ugh. I guess he knew what I was thinking, cause he kissed me and whispered in my ear.

Jawan: I know, I know... I'll do it.

We pulled out of the mall's parking lot and onto the freeway. There must have been a lot of traffic though. All I heard was BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!


Unwritten: A Miranda Perez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now