Chapter 41

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Fehïrk came into sight very quickly. Dragons were dotted over the fields, a rainbow of colours glistening under the sunlight. Upon closer examination, most were still talking to each other, staring across at the fields in disbelief.

Very few of them had gone off hunting, which I had found strange. With their newfound freedom, I would have thought that they'd go and fill their empty stomachs.

Further away from most of the other dragons, Kronx seemed to be deep in conversation with a purple dragoness whom I quickly recognised to be Rutilus's mother.

Soriak lingered near them, obviously recognising him to be the wild dragon she'd seen on our flight to Ukurauis. She was carefully examining him, unsure what to think of the massive dragon whose arrival had ultimately saved them all.

I soared down towards her, landing gently on a trample patch of earth beside her. Instinctively, her spines flared as she whipped around to face me – only to quickly relax.

Not taking her eyes of Kronx, she whispered, "who's he?"

"Kronx," I folded my wings against my flank, keeping my voice quiet. "He helped Rutilus and I after you were captured, and taught us how to breathe fire."

She dipped her pale green head, reluctantly turning away from the bigger drake. Nonetheless, I knew that she would not be comfortable around him until she knew him better herself.

A muffled thud reverberated behind me as Rutilus landed. From the corner of my eye, I glimpsed him slowly walking towards his mother –not wanting to disrupt her conversation.

"Where's Raegon?" I wondered aloud, having not seen him anywhere near the fields.

Soriak looked at me blankly, wincing as she shuffled her wings. "No one knows where Raegon is. He disappeared before I hatched."

"The Black Beast," I hurriedly explained with a long sigh. It was strange having to refer to him as such, especially since knowing that he was a legend among dragons.

Her clear blue eyes widened. "You mean, that he's Raegon?" She questioned, unable to keep her awe-filled voice quiet. Dragons turned towards us, listening on our conversation. Paying them no heed, I dipped my head in confirmation.

Almost immediately, dragons started murmuring to each other – some of them glancing around the fields for the black dragon.

"Did you see where he went?" I repeated the question.

"Off towards the east, to hunt," she dipped her pale green head towards the east, staring in that direction longingly. Wishing that she too, could fly and hunt.

Sympathetically, I held her gaze. "Kronx said that fire helps you heal faster. Settle down near the fire, and I'll bring you a deer," I offered, glancing across the fields. The trampled earth did not look very flammable at all. I'd have to uproot a tree and use that to get a fire blazing.

Rutilus leaned towards us, stretching his neck as far as he could. He peered over his mother's shoulder. "I'll get the fire started," he declared, spreading his golden wings. "You can hunt."

Soriak snorted, watching in faint amusement as Rutilus shot into the air, streaking towards the forest. "You don't have to," she shook her head slightly, staring me in the eye. "I will be fine."

I held her gaze sceptically. How would she be fine, without food? Did she not realise that she'd be able to hunt herself while she was flightless? I understood if she didn't want to be dependent on us – for food or fire, but this way, she'd be up in the air sooner.

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