Jimin was more difficult, he cried and pushed his hands away but kyungsoo didn't let that stop him. He felt a little bad but seokjin always managed to calm him enough for him to continue. He could tell they were all tired but he needed to be sure.

"Alright that's it," jimin cried into seokjins arms. He calmed after seokjin gave him many kisses all over his face. Taehyung was asleep in the stroller so kyungsoo carefully pulled a chair up to seokjins.

"So, after checking them there's something i have to tell you," seokjin looked up worriedly.

"I'm afraid the twins might have health issues, more specifically taehyung's sight and jimin's hearing."


Namjoon was starting to get a little worried, it was getting dark and hoseok was already knocked out in his crib. Yoongi was slowly falling asleep too so namjoon had left him in the living room with a movie playing. The romantic dinner he had prepared, or heated up in the microwave, was cold and he was anxiously waiting by the window. Normally he wouldn't be that anxious but since seokjin had gone to a doctor's appointment for the twins he got increasingly nervous. Finally he jumped at the headlights that pulled into the driveway. He walked outside and greeted seokjin with a dimpled smile. He was a little shocked when he noticed his husbands tear stained cheeks, the twins were sleeping peacefully in their carseats.

"What's wrong honey?" seokjin broke down all over again. Taehyung jumped awake at his cries and pretty soon all three of them were crying. Namjoon quickly took the twins inside and then went back for seokjin.

"W-what happened?" namjoon held seokjin close. He tried to wipe his tears away and comfort him but they just kept coming.

"Th-the twins," seokjin wailed. Namjoon tried not to get scared at how bad seokjin was crying.

"What about them? What happened, did the doctor say something?" seokjin nodded and tried to compose himself. Namjoon handed him a cup of water and rubbed his back.

"I-i thought it was just a normal check up," he hiccuped, "the nurse said they were fine and then the doctor came in, he started checking them and i thought it was normal but then he-" he cut himself off with a cry.

"Its okay its okay," namjoon kissed his husbands wet cheeks. He was getting more and more scared but he didn't let that show.

"H-he s-said that... that taehyung and jimin could have some problems," he shuddered.

"Like... what kind of problems," namjoon felt a knot in his throat. No matter how hard he tried to swallow it just felt like it was getting tighter.

"He said that t-tae could be b-blind and j-jimin deaf," namjoon held his husband tight. He wanted so bad to cry and break down too but he held it in. he had to be strong right now, he couldn't think about bad things right now. He had to think straight right now, think logically.

"A-are you sure?" seokjin nodded slowly.

Both parents didn't know what to think. Seokjin felt so awful, he felt like he had somehow failed his children. He felt like it was his fault, even though the doctor told him they were born like that. He felt sick to his stomach, he wants the best for his kids and sure this isn't the end of the world but it's still awful to think about. To think that your baby might never be able to hear you, or see you clearly. Namjoon was trying to be level headed, of course it was hard when you received this kind of news. He was already calculating how many hours he'd have to work in order to help the twins. He was already making lists of people they could call, specialists, doctors, minho. He would work his hardest for all of his kids but right now the twins would need more attention. Seokjins head was starting to hurt and namjoon was slowly starting to crack. Finally seokjin wiped his tears and took a deep breath.

"We can get through this... everything will be fine because we have you," namjoon cried a little at his husbands words.

"Namjoon honey, you're really such a great dad and husband. I'm so proud of you everyday, you work so hard for us," seokjin kissed him.

Things would be different now, they'd have to rearrange a few things in their lives but nothing would stop them from making sure their babies were healthy and happy. They had each other and were fortunate enough to be able to move on with this efficiently. Though this was scary seokjin knew they would get through this.

"We'll be okay." 

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