Fifteen → The New Normal

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| The New Normal |

IT HAD BEEN A WHILE since the dance, and everything had been settling down quite nicely.

Charlotte and I were as strong as ever and felt as strongly for each other as the first time we admitted our feelings to one another. I knew some people felt like it was a bad idea for friends to date but Charlotte genuinely felt like the perfect girl for me. Nobody else knew me as well as she did and made me feel as happy and protected and loved. When we had kissed that night at the dance for the first time, it was something completely different and unique to anything I'd ever experienced before and for me, I knew it was love

In regards to Bianca, we had actually succeeded in being friends or at least friendly acquaintances since we did hang out. In fact, I had a lot of new friends in my group. It had always usually been just me, Char and Jasper but now we regularly hung out with Ainsley, Bianca, Chloe, Noah, Sidney, Oliver and at the odd times even Annie and Blake. 

It felt nice having a big group of friends because there was always something interesting happening and someone always had something fun planned. As well as that, since Chloe, Ainsley and Noah were somewhat famous, it meant they got invited to cool parties and events which they could get us into.

Another big change was the surprising increase in crime in Swellview. 

Granted, a lot of it was petty crime -- the main perpetrator being of course: Stupid Jeff -- it was still a lot of calls for Ray and I to be receiving. 

In fact, since the dance there hadn't been a single day when somebody didn't need our help for one reason or the other.

So I guess the culmination of spending a lot of time either with Charlotte, hanging with my friends or helping out Ray left me with very little time to do or consider anything else which included my schoolwork. 

I had thought I was on top of it since I was still getting at least B's and the odd C in most of my classes but that thought was shattered, when I got the result of my last math test back and on the front of the page was a big obnoxious red 'F'.

"I'm not impressed at all Mr. Hart." my math teacher Mr. Tucker admitted to me as he handed me the test. "You'll need to see me after class."  he added and I nodded, feeling anxious.

When the class was over, most people trailed out of the room whilst I (and for some reason Ainsley) stayed behind. 

"I can imagine you know why I wanted to speak to you Henry?" Mr. Tucker started, taking off his glasses and setting them down on the table.

"Yeah...because I got an F." I answered back obviously.

"Yes because you got an F on this test and D's on the three ones before that and I know you're not top in the class or anything but you've usually been a B and at worst C student Henry." he explained, which honestly shocked me because I hadn't really noticed how bad my grades were actually getting.

Math had never really been a strong subject for me, but like Mr. Tucker had said I'd always been able to scrape B's and C's because I always had Charlotte to tutor me and help me figure things out; and whilst it wasn't like we never studied together, we tended to get a little...distracted to say the least.

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