Four → Is It A Date?

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| Is It A Date? | 

NEARLY TWO WEEKS HAD WENT BY AND some things had changed whilst others hadn't.

Regarding the situation with the villain that was plotting something that seemed dangerous, we were still at a dead end. Even with Charlotte's help, it was hard breaking through the firewall and accessing the perpetrator's location. Ray was now even considering talking to professionals outside of Swellview because the situation seemed dire.

Of course whilst we worked on that case, we still had little cases to take care of around Swellview. A kitten stuck in the tree here, a house on fire there and so on.

Charlotte had been coming to work but when we were there we were so focused on working that we barely spoke to each other about anything but work; and when the situation did veer off work it was always something about Jordan and whatever he and Charlotte were up to that week.

That was one of the biggest changes. 

Charlotte and I used to spend nearly every waking moment together whether we were working or studying or just hanging out playing video games. Now we barely ever saw each other if it wasn't at Junk 'N' Stuff or a quick hello in the hall between classes.

I completely understood that Charlotte loved having a friend who she could really talk science with (that wasn't Schwoz) but I felt really lonely without her.

Jasper was obviously still one of my best friends and I saw him all the time but he was hanging out with Sidney, Oliver and sometimes even Piper more and more these days.

Bianca was still on my case constantly and I tried hanging out with her as friends but it was clear that she wanted more. She was always flirting with me and I had to admit that we may have kissed once or....twice.

Either way, it didn't really matter who I was spending time with. They weren't my best friend. They weren't Charlotte and to be honest I missed her terribly. 

It felt like I'd lost her to Jordan...

So you could imagine my surprise when she showed up at my house on a Thursday afternoon after school unannounced. 

"Hey Henry." Charlotte greeted, a little shyly. Her hair was wavy instead of curly like it usually was and she was dressed really cute. Charlotte had always had a really cutesy style but this year I'd noticed that she had taken a slightly more mature take on how she dressed and she looked really really good. I didn't realize I was staring until she started waving her hand in front of my face.

"Uh...Henry?" She said uneasily and I snapped out of it.

Henry?" She said uneasily and I snapped out of it

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