Eleven → Treat Me Like Somebody

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| Treat Me Like Somebody |

CHARLOTTE HAD HAD TO GO HOME TO HER FAMILY SO they knew she had been found, so the day when we admitted our feelings to one another, we weren't able to talk much about our actual relationship so I had invited her over this Saturday so we could talk.

I was in the living room, setting the table with Skeezets, candy, flowers and candles when suddenly Piper barged in. "HEY HENRY?" she yelled and I sighed, agitated.

"Yeah yeah what do you want?" I asked her, as I fixed the pillows on the couch.

"What are you doing? Do you have a girl coming over?" she asked curiously.

I nodded, smiling gently. "Yeah Charlotte's coming over." I explained simply.

Piper rose an eyebrow. "You're doing all this for Charlotte?" she asked and I blushed.

"Yeah...something wrong with that?" I asked.

Piper simply laughed. "Yeah, can't believe it took you so long!" she laughed before turning to walk into the kitchen.

Really?! Even Piper realized before me?

I shook my head and ignored her. 

I had just fluffed the last pillow when the doorbell rang. My heart immediately began racing and I quickly checked my hair, before I opened the door to reveal both of my best friends.

"Hey Char!" I greeted her with a smile. She loooked really cute, her hair pulled up into a bun, a few locks falling down. 

"Hey Hen." she replied and we kind of just stood there staring at each other until Jasper broke up the moment.

"And hey Jasper! I'm a person too you know!" he shouted offended as he pushed past us and walked into the kitchen, where Piper was.

"Sorry Jasper." Charlotte and I apologized simultaneously and I laughed.

"Ugh, would you like to take a seat on the couch so we can talk?" I asked her, timidly.

She nodded her head as she smiled. "Sure!" she agreed and walked over, plopping down on the couch and I sat beside her.

"So..." I started awkwardly and Charlotte rolled her eyes smirking.

"Henry...we've known each other for nearly ten years, are we really gonna do this whole awkward thing?" she said, turning to look me in the eye.

I sighed, turning to face her also. "I don't want to be awkward but I really want this to work. I know we've gotta talk about things but I don't know where to start." I admitted and she nodded.

"Okay. I get it. How about we start...from the beginning." she suggested.

"Um okay...yesterday you said you'd liked me for the longest time so why didn't you ever tell me?" I asked, genuinely perplexed. Who knows, if Charlotte had revealed her feelings earlier we could've been dating for months now, maybe even years.

"Well..." Charlotte started nervously.

I took her hand, rubbing the back of it with my thumb. "It's okay Char, it's just me you don't have to be nervous." I reassured her and she shot me a grateful smile.

"Okay, I started liking you about a year and a half ago. It was a little bit after the time you got blasted with that dream beam." she started and I vaguely remembered having crazy dreams of a green dancing lady and Jasper in a wedding dress.


I nodded and urged her to continue. "I just remember being so worried about you that day and so afraid that you wouldn't wake up. Then when I went into your dream and you hugged me, I don't know, I felt something that I'd never felt before and it was then I realized that I had feelings for you, that I'd probably always had feelings for you." she divulged.

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