Nine → I Knew He Was Trouble

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| I Knew He Was Trouble |

THE NEXT DAY I WAS FEELING A LOT BETTER AND was ready to confront Charlotte and tell her how I felt about her.

I had the whole thing planned out in my head: Jasper would tell Charlotte that a teacher needed to talk to her and lure her into an empty classroom where I would be waiting. Then he'd lock the doors and hopefully I'd have the courage to talk to Charlotte and tell her how I felt. If fate was on my side and she liked me back, I also had a box of her favourite chocolates to give her to sweeten the deal.

It was foolproof.


I walked into school and quickly stuffed the box of chocolates into my locker before Charlotte or anyone else could see them.

As I slammed my locker door shut, Jasper approached me.

"Hey man, how goes it?" I greeted him, an excited smile on my face.

"Ugh...not great." he replied, a worried expression plastered onto his face.

"Why...what's wrong?" I asked, starting to get worried myself.

Jasper bit his lip as though he didn't want to tell me.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon Jasper, spit it out!" I demanded.

He sighed. "I just got off the phone with my mom, Charlotte's mom had called her asking if she was over at my house." he explained.

"Why would Char be over at yours overnight on a schoolnight?" I asked, confused.

Jasper looked even more worried. "She was asking because Charlotte didn't come home last night and she still isn't here today, she's....gone missing."

At his words, my heart started to race and my eyes widened. "Charlotte's missing! What could have happened, where could she have gone?" I asked rhetorically, starting to pace in the hallway.

"No idea...but I tried to find Jordan to maybe ask him be he isn't here either." Jasper divulged and I stopped in my tracks.

" you're telling me both Charlotte and Jordan are no where to be found?" I inquired, incredibly suspicious.

Jasper nodded and I shook my head.

"I bet it has something to do with that secret plan of his! Gah, I knew that guy was bad news, I knew it!" I yelled, starting to pace again.

The love of my life had probably been taken by some evil guy, so excuse me from panicking a little.

Jasper's eyes widened. "You think Jordan might be behind the secret machine that Ray told us about?" he asked, incredulously.

I nodded. "Yeah...I heard him taking a suspicious call a couple days ago. I didn't want to assume anything of it then because I wasn't sure but there's no way an innocent little project would require kidnapping my best friend!" I said to Jasper.

He shook his head in disbelief. "Wow, I can't believe I ever liked that guy!" he admitted. "What are we going to do?" he then asked me.

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