One → The First Day

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| The First Day |

THE FIRST THING THAT SHOULD HAVE screamed weird to me, was the fact that I, Henry Hart was excited to be going back to school.

In all my fifteen years on earth, I had never once looked forward to that looming day, when my alarm would beep at seven am and all summer fun and lazy days were wiped away as if they were just a hazy afternoon-nap dream.

To be perfectly honest though, my summer hadn't been all that I'd thought it would be. Of course, I had helping Ray and being Kid Danger to keep myself occupied some of the time, but other than that I'd been rather lonely. I hadn't gone on vacation this year because my parents couldn't get time off work and for the first time since I was 5, neither Charlotte or Jasper were around.

Jasper had been at Bucketeer Camp the entire summer with Sidney and Oliver and he'd been far too caught up in the exciting world of buckets to contact me. Charlotte was off at the Language, Information and Math Program (L.I.M.P) and was also too busy with whatever people do at 'genius camp' to get in touch with me. As for Bianca, although we weren't together anymore, we had texted back and forth a couple times but she was visiting family in Mexico for the entire summer.

Even though I'd had a few missions with Ray a.k.a. Captain Man, it seemed that even villains decided to take a bit of a break when it came to summer. Needless to say, I was left bored and friendless and so the bittersweet feeling of starting school again was sweeter than it had ever been.

I was up bright and early and quickly went through my morning routine. I showered, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I decided to wear some blue skinny jeans, a grey hoodie and grey sneakers as I was fifteen now. I needed to dress a little more maturely and besides, as it was the first day, I wanted to make a good impression.

I was ecstatic at the thought of seeing my oldest and best friends and not even Piper's daily rant could dampen my good mood

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I was ecstatic at the thought of seeing my oldest and best friends and not even Piper's daily rant could dampen my good mood. So with a spritz of some cologne and my Wiz-watch on my wrist, I was out the door.


The bus stopped at Swellview Junior High and I hopped off, taking two steps at a time. As I walked through the door, I immediately began scanning the masses of students for one of my curly-haired best friends.

Almost instinctively my eyes found my best friend Charlotte, early as always and leaning against her locker. As my eyes landed on her, I couldn't help but notice how much she'd changed over the summer. She was still very much Charlotte, but she seemed much older, more experienced.

Miraculously, she seemed to have grown a bit, not nearly as tall as me but still noticeably taller. Her curly tresses that usually fell freely framing her face were tied up in a cute messy bun. She was wearing a burgundy skater dress with a denim jacket on top and white Converse on her feet. All in all, she looked hot and wow, I did not just think that about my best girl friend.

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