Bella Swan

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Bella's POV

I had finally gotten my cast off today. I had suffered a broken wrist and arm. Jacob walks with me to my truck. He drives me home, allowing me time to think. I have physical therapy for about another 2 months. It's kind of annoying, but I've lived through it before. I've been accident prone all my life.

I guess that's why people believed me so easily back then. I have literally stumbled through my life. Broken bones heal, emotional wounds close. Jake pulls into the police station and I shake my head. My dad always got excited when a cast came off. 

Jake opens my door and helps me climb out of the truck. Man, I remember when me and him would make mud pies. He used to tease me by trying to get me to eat worms. I remember he even dared me to eat dirt. I did of course because backing down from challenges wasn't in me. 

I begin walking to the door and Jake follows closely behind. It's one of those rare days where it's not raining in Forks. The sun is peaking behind a few stray clouds. The only thing wrong? I can feel someone watching me.

I don't turn, I just keep one foot in front of the other. I open the door and walk to my father's desk. It's busy. The new recruits just graduated the police academy. I smile as I walk through the building. I notice a man standing near my father, while my father types on his computer. 

Charlie, my dad is a man of few words. I smile as I approach them. The boy notices me before Charlie does. I smile politely and he flashes one back. His teeth are perfectly white and straight. I hear Jake clear his throat, causing Charlie to look up. He perks up.

"Hey Bells!" Charlie stands up. I hold my arm up. My dad smiles and wraps his arms around me. I can't help but smile at him.

We pull a part and I notice Jake and the Bronze-haired man sizing each other up.I take a quick glance at his name tag. " Hi I'm Bella, Charlie's daughter." I say extending my right hand to to Officer Cullen. He smiles politely and shakes my hand.

"My name's Edward Cullen, and it's a pleasure to meet you Ms.Swan" He has deep green eyes that I cannot help myself getting lost in for a moment. 

"Oh, you're Carlisle and Esme's son." I say after a moment, causing my cheeks to turn red. He chuckles.

"Never could get from under dad's shadow..." he jokes.

"Actually in this case, it'd be your mother's and sister's. I tutored Rosalie in English and she tutored me in Calculus. And as for your mother... she makes the best Death by Chocolate Cake". 

"Hm... you'd think my parents would mention knowing someone as beautiful as you"  He let's my hand go and again I am blushing. Jake clears his throat, as if to remind us he's here. 

"I'm Jake" he says curtly. I shake my head. Dad chuckles at him.

"How's your old man doin'?"

"He's doing good, Rachel just got married too." Jake says, mentioning his elder sister. 

"Well dad, we'd better get going. Jake has class later and I need to finish a paper". I give Charlie and smile at Edward. He has this dangerous, yet boyish charm that attracts me.

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