Ch.15: Time with Master Forerunner

Start from the beginning

"I'll take you all on at the same time!" Heisuke announced, before taking down the other three goons in quick and swift movements that left Y/N in awe. He didn't even need to use his sword to take them down!

"That's our Mr. Slice-and-dice!"

"Impressive, Master Forerunner!"

Y/N and Heisuke's attention was brought to Harada and Shinpachi, who were standing with Chizuru and Kyo right behind futuristic female.

"Sano-san and Shinpatsu! Why'd ya have to show up just when this was getting' good?" Heisuke complained.

"Sorry to spoil the party. Let's go, Chizuru, Y/N." Harada grinned, wrapping an arm over Chizuru's shoulders while Shinpachi wrapped his own over Y/N's.

"We'll let Heisuke handle things here while we hightail it." Shinpachi added afterwards.

Chizuru looked at Heisuke apologetically as she was being led away from the scene, while Y/N whined for Shinpachi to let her go, which resulted in the man picking her up and putting her on his shoulder.

"W-what? H-hey!" Heisuke shouted after the group, before he noticed the bad guys limping away, and he screamed when noticing the damage the fighting had caused.

___Time Skip___

"I wasn't in the wrong." Heisuke pouted as he and Y/N sat under a Sakura tree, which had yet to have any buds on it, after his scolding with Hijikata that the female had predicted would happen. "Besides, I just know that Hijikata-san would say something and send his fists flyin' if he was in that situation." He insisted.

Though Y/N didn't doubt that, she was sure that Hijikata might have made it a bit more graceful looking. And, she knew that there would be a possibility that he would have not broken anything other than the bad guys's bones.

"N/N, Heisuke!" Shinpachi greeted as Harada and himself walked up to the duo.

"Hey, you pulled an impressive number." Harada told the younger male.

"Man, didn't today drag out?" Shinpachi questioned teasingly.

Heisuke huffed, seeming to pout a bit as he scowled at the older men. "Why didn't you rein me in earlier? If you did, none of this woulda happened." He insisted.

"You're askin' for the impossible." Harada denied.

"Once you start running, you cannot stop. That is what makes you Master Forerunner." Shinpachi explained.

"Um, what is a master forerunner? I don't think I've heard of it before." Y/N said, a look of confusion on her face that forced the others to look away, a pink hue dusting their cheeks.

So cute!

"During battle, the forerunners take the lead in the vanguard. It means that he is a man respected for his courage." Harada informed her after clearing his throat.

Y/N's look of confusion turned into one of admiration, before she smirked. "Is that so~?" She questioned, before tackling the male with her arms wrapped around his shoulders. "Well then, you're a pretty cool guy, Master Forerunner!" She teased.

Heisuke's cheeks darkened, and he laughed awkwardly.

"But, ours gets too worked up and ends things in failure." Harada then stabbed the earlier compliment.

"He's hardly a master of anything when Hijikata-san runs him through the wringer." Shinpachi laughed in agreement.

Y/N watched the two walk away, laughing, before she glanced at Heisuke with a look of sympathy as he pouted. She tightened her hold on him, slightly, and smiled at him assuringly. "Cheer up, Master Forerunner! Tonight Chizuru and I will make our first big feast in ages." She announced, knowing his love for food.

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