Ch.17: Undercover Work [Prt.2]

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-Next Morning-

"Y/N, be careful!" Heisuke waved off the female, Saito, and Yamazaki, while Harada, Kyo, and Shinpachi stood behind him.

"Somehow, I feel like my daughter is getting married." Shinpachi stated with a solemn gaze.

"Rather than a daughter, she's more like a sister." Harada cut in.

"To me, this is more like seeing a warrior off to the battlefield." Okita added as he walked up behind the group. "Oh, pipsqueak, maybe we'll never see each other again." He said in a sad tone.

"Hey, stop that, Souji!" Heisuke shouted at the older captain. "It'll bring bad luck!"

"Yeah, and if anything happens to my little sister, I'll make sure that you pay for it." Kyo glared at the male.

"Well then, what should I do to kill time?" Okita grinned, seeming to ignore the threat.

"Let's start making preparations." Shinpachi said as he began to walk away.

"Yeah. Heisuke, hurry up." Harada stated as he followed behind.

___Quick Time Skip___

Y/N stood stiffly as Kimigiku adjusted the silky kimono that she'd be wearing for her mission.

The futuristic female had always loved seeing her mother get dressed up on undercover missions, and had gotten very excited for whenever the time it'd be her who'd be able to do so. But now that she was wearing as much makeup as a clown would, her head throbbing from her hair being brushed out after such a long time of not using a comb, and she didn't want to mess up anything that Kimigiku was doing, she silently regretted her choice.

"It sure looks good on you." Kimigiku kindly complimented.

"Y/N-chan, you look so pretty!" Sen exclaimed excitedly from beside the body-lengthed mirror. "I knew this kimono would fit you best." She admired her friend with a bright smile.

Y/N herself couldn't deny that the kimono was really beautiful. It was a violet color, except for the sash and collar which was more of a blue, with little flower designs that matched the blue lotus that had been carefully tucked into the bun that was positioned at the top of her head, while the rest of her hair flowed elegantly down her back. Though it wasn't a dress in one of those transformation movies, Y/N felt, dare she say it, beautiful.

Sen then pouted. "I can't help but think that it's a waste for you to do this for those dirty men."

"It's fine." Y/N smiled assuringly. "I mean, I wish I didn't either, but I'd rather do this then let Chizuru or someone else do it." She stated. "By the way, I didn't know you two were acquainted." She added afterwards as she looked between the two females. "I'd love to hear the story behind that." She chuckled.


Y/N was putting the final touches to her outfit, before turning around quickly as the door suddenly slammed open.

"Y/N! Despite what they say, I'm still worried about you!" Heisuke exclaimed, before he caught sight of the female and became completely rigid, his cheeks flushing a bright pink.

"Heisuke?" She asked, looking surprised, before she smiled. "Wanna help me prepare?" She questioned, holding up a bottle of sake. "I think I've gotten better at pouring the right amount, what do you think?" She asked after pouring some of the sake into a cup as he held it, his cheeks still glowing pink.

Not being oblivious, Y/N chuckled. "Thank you for coming, I know that you're worried about me, but I can handle this. Especially since I have so many of you supporting me." She insisted.

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