Ch.21: Winter Wonderland

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for the food. Are you sure you don't mind, Saito? Kyo had given me some money since he's been helping you guys with patrolling." Y/N offered to the blue haired male.

"It's cool! It's cool! Right, Saito?" A red faced, tipsy, Shinpachi questioned the blue haired man, who simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Y/N. "Sweet! Now let's hit the next joint!" Shinpachi exclaimed.

"And here he said that he 'wants N/N to enjoy good meals from time-to-time'. In the end, Shinpachi-san is just looking for an excuse to go drinking, isn't he?" Okita questioned, mocking the older man.

"Does it matter? Life is bliss when you can sit back and enjoy some sake." Shinpachi responded, glancing at the three behind him with a grin, before he grunted as someone ran into him.

"Watch it, bastard! Can't ya apologize for whammin' into me?" The drunk man who had run into Shinpachi asked harshly.

"Oh, sorry! My bad." Shinpachi cluelessly apologized, while Y/N glared at the men.

"Hold it! Can't ya give a proper apology?!" Shouted the drunkard.

Shinpachi stopped walking and glared at them. "What's your problem? I already tossed you an apology." He stated, a shudder running up Y/N's spine at his unusually cold tone. "My muscles are just so glorious that my shoulder accidentally bumped into yours." This caused Y/N to roll her eyes at his ego, as the bandana wearing male flexed his biceps.

"Where are these 'glorious muscles'? They aren't all that impressive." The drunkard and his friends laughed.

"Excuse you!" Y/N snapped, managing to pull herself out of Okita's hold that he had on her when she first wanted to fight the men, and she poked at the lead male's chest harshly. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you have no room to talk! Shinpachi's muscles are bigger than your three meat heads combined!" She snapped at the men, reminding a few of the males of a younger sister protecting their older brother.

"What? You want a piece of me, squirt?" The man snapped, looking about ready to slap the female, though his wrist was grabbed by a suddenly pissed off looking Shinpachi.

"Your fight is with me!" Shinpachi snapped, before punching the man five feet into the air.

"Let's go, Y/N." Okita said, grabbing the female's hand and pulling her away.

"But, Shinpachi..." Y/N glanced over her shoulder where the male was fighting the three.

"Shinpachi-san will be just fine." Okita assured, looking at her with a grin.

Y/N tugged on Okita's hold when seeing one of the men holding Shinpachi's arms behind his back and another one punched the bandana wearing male. "He doesn't look fine!" She insisted, about ready to go back and kick those guys asses. If there's one thing she hated about fighting, it's when the victim is defenseless.

"He's fine, just fine. This is one of those things that Shinpachi-san looks forward to." Okita insisted, stopping and watching the fight, now at a safe distance.

Saito sighed loudly. "Souji, I shall take it upon myself to bring Shinpachi back. Look after L/N." He told the other male.

"Sure thing. Y/N let's go!" Okita urged the female, continuing to walk in the direction of the headquarters.

Y/N looked unsure, but at least she felt better knowing that Saito was going to help, having seen him fight before, and so she followed behind the other male.

"Are there not usually fights like that in your time?" Okita asked once they were both away from other people.

"There are, I just haven't really seen one up close like that. I mean, there was this one time that this one girl, (Random Bully Name), had her friends hold me down while she cut my hair, and you wouldn't believe how many times I've seen guys get into fights at my school. It's like a fight club or something." Y/N laughed, before noticing Okita had stopped walking, his eyebrows furrowed together. "Souji?" She questioned, tilting her head.

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