Chapter 4: Metronome

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

That phrase was supposedly said by Albert Einstein. There is no proof of that, but it really doesn't matter who said it, all that matters is what was said.

It was a Thursday night, my church had a crusade service that lasted 3 days and I was only going for the fellowship and food...I won't lie. Sadly there was no food so I was just left with the fellowship. So we all gathered in the car park down the street from the church and as we passed by I could see all the patches and spaces in the church since we had just started reconstructing and it was in a state of vulnerability.

In the time from the conversation in the media room till now I had come to terms with certain things.

1) I was weird, how exactly I don't know but I should just accept it.

2) I needed to move on, I usually do this by finding flaws in the person and elaborating on them.

3) I have a tendency to get in peoples' head and I need to work on that because it can be useful

4) Jeline is mine :) well she will be....somehow

So I formulated this exquisite plan, a plan I intended to implement and if it went well then I'm all set, if not then.....well that's not gonna happen, but on the odd chance it does fail I'll have to get a pointy hat and shoes cause ill be the worlds biggest fool.

Tonight I would initiate phase 1, I called it...................." Metronome " as I was setting the pace for the future relationship. It basically consisted of me presenting myself to her as more than a friend, crossing this threshold they called the "friend zone", it was hard work but if you knew what you were doing then you'd save yourself a ton of headaches. The thing is I didn't exactly know what to do but...YOLO.

The Crusade

My dad had arrived a bit early to help set up the equipment since both he and I were on the sound engineering team. My brothers and I came up with our mother because we took our gracious time to get ready but dad couldn't wait, so we met him at the crusade.

We drove up to the open car park area which was now occupied by 2 large tents and my father's van, neatly parked near the street. Standing in the back of the pocket-sized crowd near the street was Jeline, baby in arm, singing along with the worship team up on stage. The baby wasn't her's in case you're wondering, it belonged to one of the singers. She was a beauty, smooth dark skin and short jet black hair which she let grow up into a sort of afro at times. I never was attracted to girls with short hair before her. She was a thicky, not fat but thick, she had meat in all the right places and her body build accentuated her curves. She was down to earth and had the warmest most inviting smile ever. She was around my height which isn't very tall to be quite honest, and she loved to dance.

Stepping out of the car into the street I was greeted by that smile. Immediately I felt like my insides were heating up and as I approached her we did our usual giggle as if picking up on the last joke we cracked.

"How long have you been here?"

"Not too long I suppose"

"Where is your brother?"

"Oh he's right over there" she said pointing at a group of kids playing in the last row of seats under the tents.

When she said this a short chubby boy came running up to me, followed by a trail of kids from the church.

"Hacim!!!! could buy something for me? In the shop?" He pointed at the parlor 20 feet away across the street. Now I wasn't working anywhere but solely because it was Jeline's brother I always made the attempt to get him something. He most likely noticed this and decided to use it against me, but he never noticed that I noticed, he noticed.....hehe.

"Dan...I'm not working anywhere you know...."

I reached into my pockets and pulled out five dollars in singles. When the kids around him saw this the figured I was giving out money, so they all started asking for snacks whilst Jeline stood there laughing at my situation. I bought a bunch of sweets and distributed them amongst the growing horde of children, some of which I'm sure came back for seconds.

It was around this time that the worship stopped and she gave the baby back to its rightful owner, well parent.....rightful parent. We decided to steal away from the crusade and take a stroll up the street towards the church. At that point in my life I was hella sexual and so I'm not sure how it started but somewhere in our conversation, it went like this.

" I don't even know why this is an argument, the fact is I'm more perverted than you" I used the term 'pervert' very loosely then but not as much now.

"Nah man... lies" she responded

"Dan I could make anything and I do mean ANYTHAANG sound perverted"

"OK, then prove it"

"Let's have a little competition then" I suggested

When we said this we both stopped in front of this long twisted metal pole, jutting out of the ground. I looked at it and smiled.

"Too easy" I thought.

When I turned to face her, however, she started laughing before I could even say anything. It appears she was too accustomed to me cracking these kinds of jokes and she expected it, so I asked her to go first.

"I....I can't" She managed to say in between giggles

"Why not?....It's nothing.....big"

She giggled again, "I just cant"

Then after a few minutes of back and forth talking she decided we should head to the back of the church to look at the stars. Typical kidnap victim story. So I went, I followed her up the newly constructed staircase and it was quite easy even in the pitch black darkness since all I had to do was look at her butt to know where she was and I was very good at that, I didn't trip once.

At the top, we stood transfixed on the spot we popped out on. It was beautiful, there was no roof so we had a clear view of the night sky. I could have seen all the stars shimmering across the vast blanket called space. With nothing but the moonlight I could make her out just fine, she was even more beautiful under the moonlight than she was under the sun's.

We played around a bit, sticking our heads out the different windows and calling out to each other, poking each other's butts which soon turned into kicks.

Let me just say that Jeline was strong as heck, she beat me in a punching contest in round 2 once and I regretted holding back on her that day because I couldn't use my arm for a while after.

Time flew by and pretty soon the crusade was over and we had to leave. I walked her to the street and meet up with her mother and her brother and walked with them to the junction for good measure. I decided to unburden myself a bit, something was on my mind and I needed to ensure that I was making the right moves, but subtly.



"If someone were to, I don't know, ask you to date....would you?" I cringed so hard when I heard myself speak those words, it sounded better in my head and I immediately started to mentally beat myself up about it.

Without breaking her stride she threw back a face I rarely ever see on her. It was as if she expected this, looked forward to it even. Her face was both serious and playful and she smiled to let me know that I didn't say anything wrong.

"If it's you then I really don't mind"

She turned ahead, giggled and walked away, every new step she took I felt myself want her more and more until she vanished from my sight, and all I was left with was the burning desire to see her again, to be in her company.

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