Ch. 50: When You Were Young

Start from the beginning

I looked over my closet ten times, trying to find an outfit. I almost wanted to just put on sweats to show Jake that I was wrong about the whole attire, and that I really don't care what he wears. But somehow all my sweats were not where I left them last, and what I wore last night smells of sex. "Mom!" I yell out, only my head sticking out of the room.

"What?!" She yells back.

"Where's my sweats at!?"

"There in the wash! You're welcome!" She yells sarcastically back. The one time she washes for me, she washes something I don't want. I roll my eyes, and subtly slam the door.

I chose a simple causal dress, the least dressy of all of them. It was a short sleeve that served no curves for me, and could almost be a long t-shirt without the pleats at the bottom. I filled in my brows, and put some foundation powder, concealer and mascara, adding a touch of bronzer so I didn't look like a complete ghost. And usually I just stick with brows and mascara, but I needed to keep busy if I didn't want to blow up Jake's phone.

He started at eleven, and he told me he gets off at five. Right when five o'clock hits, I call his phone. It rings and rings, but no answer. Maybe I should wait a few minutes, for which I do. I call again, no answer; by the third time I call it goes straight to voicemail and I know he's ignoring me.

Me: I understand why you are upset with me, but ignoring me is not the mature way to do things. I messed up, and you deserve an apology in person.

After I sent that text, I still get no answer. My mom enters my room without a knock or a caution. "What time did you tell him to come over?"

"Six thirty." I fib quickly.

She glances down at her watch, "That gives me enough time to make dessert." She says with no enthusiasm.

"Is the turkey almost ready?"

"In about fifteen minutes or so." She sighs. She's beyond tired, and I don't know what to say to comfort her. She walks solemnly out of my bedroom. A couple minutes row by, and I hear her stirring away her famous not so famous chocolate cake.

My phone rings, causing me nearing to jump.

Jake: I'll be there in 10.

I suck in a breath when the message flashes across the screen.

It was still clear that he was upset with me from his discreet of words. I was getting increasingly nervous.

Ten minutes was an hour in Jake's book. It barely just turned seven when my mom looks at me disappointedly in the living room. I sat down to the seat closes to the door, so I can open it when he arrived. After the third call I gave to his phone in the last ten minutes, I gave up entirely.


I look up to her. I know she's beyond annoyed, so am I; but what am I to do in this situation.

She shrugs to me, with a sigh, "The food will get cold."

"We will not start without him." I snap at her, "Besides this was dad's idea anyways, and he's still working in his office." Right when I say these words, my dad starts walking down the steps.

"Is the food ready?" He asks.


As if on another que, the door receives a knock on the door. I sigh in annoyance but also relief. "I'll get it." I say rushingly, ignoring the wince that fell to my lips from the still dull ache between my legs.

Before my mother could protest, I swing the door open revealing Jake.

Expecting him to still be in his work clothes, was not what I see. He wore black tight jeans that had holes in them, and a black faded T-shirt slightly stained with coffee stain on it.

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