13: kik- castiel

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Castiel sat at his favorite table in the library and looked over the laptop screen in front of him again and again.

It was easy for him to lose focus, especially when Friday was only a few hours away, but today was especially hard with all the people in the room. Including one person in particular.

Cas has noticed him when he first walked in, sitting at a table with a girl. Probably his girlfriend, he thought. He looked more like a deranged puppy than he ever had, with his tapping pencil, and his excited green eyes that shone out from under the book in front of him. For a split second, Castiel almost thought he was looking at him, but that was probably just another fantasy.

But back to reality...

He heard his phone buzz from beside his keyboard and so he picked it up to look.

Impala67: ugh we're about to leave to go to dinner

cassiopeia: oooh good luck :/

Impala67: yeah thanks I'll need it for sure

cassiopeia: where you guys going?

Impala67: chipotle? I think? Wasn't really paying attention

cassiopeia: I freakin love chipotle. Get some guac for me :)

Impala67: hah okay if you insist

cassiopeia: plz do

Impala67: or you could just come with :p

cassiopeia: haha one: I have so much work to do tonight, two: I just ate like an hour ago, and three: WE PROBABLY DONT EVEN LIVE NEAR EACH OTHER

Impala67: oh... you right nvm lol

Castiel let out a small laugh as he set his phone back down on the table. He really needed to get some work done, but when did he ever actually get things done?

Across the room, Cas watched as the girl across from the green eyed prince got up and started to push her chair in, saying some things to him before starting to walk away. His eyes followed her all the way to the door to the bathroom, and then they turned back to the boy at the table, but he was gone.

Disappointed, Cas looked back down at his computer screen and started to read the first line of an article he had pulled up earlier.

In order for a building to be considered sustainable...

"I like your stickers." A voice interrupted his reading.

"What?" Castiel's head shot up from his screen.

"I like your stickers... the ones on your laptop..."

Cas studied the person speaking the words carefully. From the delicate smile, to the lightly freckled face and his caramel hair, Cas knew exactly who the voice belonged to.

It was him.

"Ohhhhh... uh... thanksss..." Cas muttered back with an attempt at a smile.

"So which is better Green Day or U2?" He asked pointing at the front.

"Uh I don't think I'm entitled to answer that question." Cas said back with a quiet laugh.

"Alright then which one should I listen to first?"

"Green Day..." Castiel hesitantly squinted his eyes.

"Good answer." He replied smiling.

"Do you like them?"

"They're not bad."

Cas shook his head and looked back up at him.

"Not bad." He said using his fingers as quotations.

"Whatever. They're good okay?" The boy replied laughing.

"Good answer." Cas said resting his head down on his hand.

They both laughed together, and Cas felt happiness bubbling up inside him from hearing his own laughter mixed with his. This was real. He was actually talking to him. Actually laughing with him. Wow.

"Hey are you ready to go?" He heard another lighter voice say from behind him.

Cas looked back up and there was the girl from his table standing right next to him with her hand on his shoulder. Castiel felt his smile fade.

"Uh yeah sure." He said back to her taking the backpack she had in her hand.

"See ya later." He smiled at Cas, slowly walking away from the table with his girl in tow.

"Bye." Cas whispered faintly, hoping that they wouldn't hear the disappointment in his voice.

He watched them walk out the door and then quickly picked up his phone.

cassiopeia: dean... we have a problem...

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