6: kik

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cassiopeia: deeeeeaaaaaaannnnnn

Impala67: caaaaaaaaasssssssssssss

cassiopeia: I have a family dinner tonight. Wish me luck

Impala67: ooooh good luck with that

cassiopeia: trust me I'll need it

cassiopeia: my sister is setting me up with one of her friends and it's going to be super weird

Impala67: why? Can't be too bad right?

cassiopeia: dean.

cassiopeia: I'm gay.

Impala67: ohhhh okay then yeah that's gonna suck

cassiopeia: that doesn't bother you?

Impala67: that you're gay???

cassiopeia: ...yeah

Impala67: no way. Why?

cassiopeia: my family doesn't really know. Gabe brought home a boy once in high school and they all kinda freaked out and didn't speak to him for a solid two years and he's not even gay it was just that one time! That can't happen to me

Impala67: no offense Cas but your family sounds like they're dicks

cassiopeia: yeah maybe a little bit, but they're all I have

cassiopeia: Gabriel especially

Impala67: yeah I'm still not sure how I feel about that one yet

cassiopeia: he's not that bad. He's there for me when I really need it

Impala67: if you say so

cassiopeia: I have to go ahhhh I'm gonna be late

Impala67: tell me how it goes!

cassiopeia: you'll be the first to know :)

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