33: dean+castiel

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Dean opened the door to his apartment with a smile. It wasn't very often that Dean had anyone over, and even if he did, nothing had ever made him feel so excited to show off.

Except Castiel.

Cas walked through the door slowly behind Dean, studying every inch of every wall with detail as he set down his coat on a chair next to the door.

"This is... really nice."

"You like it?" Dean smiled back at him.

"How in the hell did you get this place? I couldn't even find an apartment to share with Gabe at a reasonable price."

"My uncle kinda sorta owns the building. I work for him in his car shop down the street and he lets me stay here."

"You work in a car shop?"


"Is that where you got that cool ass car outside?"

"I wish. That was my dads. Before he got injured in a hunting accident, he used to drive that car everywhere."

"Oh. Sorry. I think?" Castiel said almost unsure of the context of the situation from Dean's bubbly tone.

"Dude don't act so depressing about it. I hate him. Sam just wasn't old enough to drive yet, so I got it... you don't have to just stand there either, make yourself at home." Dean said leaning back against the back of a couch on the other side of the room.

Cas walked over to where Dean was sitting and sat down beside him on an unusually comfortable brown couch. He shifted around until he was leaning against the headrest, and watched Dean start fiddling with the remotes.

"Why do you hate your dad?" He asked quietly.

"He's an ass. We just never really got along. He always picked favorites and it was always Sam. 'dean watch out for sam' 'dean give that to sam' 'dean do this for sam' 'oh look what sam did today' 'sam this' 'sam that' it was just... always about sam, I was always looked over. And I love my brother to death so I could never hate him for it, so I chose to hate my dad instead."

"Mmm my mom is like that too."

Dean looked over to Cas and studied his face and all the ways it contorted from a smile to an awkward frown that didn't belong.

"Cas what happened tonight?"

"Well... a lot." Castiel mumbled, his voice starting to shake. "I um... I don't know I guess I ran away? But like I'm too old for that so I don't really know what to call it."

"Okay so that's why you ended up in the park.. but why did you run in the first place?"

"Um... she found out I was gay."

"Oh." Dean said setting the remotes in his hands back down on the table. He rubbed his face and then set his hands back in his lap. "How?"


"What the hell?! Why would he do that?!"

"It wasn't his fault... entirely. It was also my sister Anna's. Anna is the Sam of the family, she's everything that I'm not. Perfect, smart, pretty, hot boyfriend..."

Dean looked over to Cas and frowned like a puppy. Cas laughed a little and looked back down at the floor.

"...of the opposite gender." He added.

"So what did she do?"

"Well... after I sent a vague text to Gabe about the party, he did some digging as to what I had done or who I was hanging out with, and it all boiled down to you. One of his friends saw us go into that room together and..."

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