Chapter 27: More Danger

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"Can you at least *dodge* make your aiming *kick* better?" Namjoon complained to Taehyung as he went face to face with a dmon

"Sorry *stab* hyung" Taehyung replied as he stabbed another vampire

After knocking down another werewolf, I ran up to another demon and threw magical blades, taking it off guard.

*Inhumane scream* It lunged itself towards me and held my neck. What's with demons always aiming for my neck??

I tried making another magical blade but it knocked it out my hand before I could even stab it

*Slash* with one swing of a sword, the demon fell down, cut in half. I looked up to see the least person you would think would save me

"We meet again" Lucifer said with an evil smirk

"Fight me" He aimed for my stomach but I instantly blocked it with my bare hands

"How did yo-"


I elbowed him at his head and kicked his chest making him stumble to the ground. (Lucifer: ArE yOu AsSuMiNg My GeNdEr?!)

He looked up to me with blood oozing out from his mouth

"Let's play rough then" He immediately shot a fire ball towards my direction which hit my shoulder, causing me to fall to the ground. I quickly stood up but was met with indescribable pain

I clutched my shoulder tightly and look straight into his eye. He's powerful... even if it was just a small fireball he was able to knock me down..


I looked around and saw the others busy fighting off the monsters. I shot a magical arrow towards one of the vampires nearby. I don't know why but I suddenly teleported to another place. The person who teleported me must be very powerful because only a few can do that.

The place I got teleported to was full of trees and all sorts of plants. I was just about to walk around when I suddenly heard multiple voices. I hid behind a tree and peaked a little

In front of the tree I was hiding in was a big field filled with dead plants and animals...

But that wasn't the only things there. Another group of demons, vampires and werewolves were all grouped into squares. They seemed to be listening to some type of leader in front of them who was standing in front of two people who were tied up, kneeling before him.

"It's nice to meet you again..." The leader snickered at the two people in front

"I swear if you really kill her I wil-"

"-Will what? Kill me? don't make me laugh.. I mean look at your situation right now, tied up like an animal, kneeling before me. How can you possibly kill me?"

"I have my ways" The man who spoke up looked directly at me causing me to widen my eyes.

"Oh dear Jiyoung.. all I asked for was how to activate her true form... nothing more, nothing less, just that" 

"We will never... never! tell it!" This time, the woman who was tied up spoke

"Shush Sandara, no one said it was impossible.. SPILL OR DIE?" The leader pointed a dagger towards the woman's neck but she didn't even budge or move

"I'd rather die.." She whispered but was enough to be heard by everyone

"Oh come on. Everyone knows~ you're both the parents of SooMi, the eighth protector"

"hurt her and you'll be dead"

"Just wait and see" This time, the woman stared at me for a very long time. I heard a woman's voice speaking in my head

Warn the others of more danger.. please keep SooMi safe... please

Just then, I was sure these were SooMi's parents. I must warn them!

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