Chapter 11: 3 years later..

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Your POV

After all those commotion, we were finally allowed to go inside the portal

"Thanks for the help!" I thanked the old woman and the soul

"No worries, and be careful! Many people will be after you since your the 8th protector" Nara smiled at me

"Heh, yeah.. bye! I will forever remember your help!" I yelled and went inside the portal along with the others and Hoseok holding the puppy

Inside the portal..

"Wth?! Pigs with wings? Since when did pigs fly? And oh, o-OMG THERES A GHOST! And wait, is tha-" I cut Jimin off

"Do you know how to keep your thoughts to your mind?" I said, annoyed and he just pouted at me then sudDENLY HUGGED ME

"Just let me hug you~" he added some aegyo and I just can't say no, he's waaaay to cute! Wait, forget what I said, I did not just say this mochi is cute, and i did not just call him mochi.. ಠ_ಠ

"Fine, just don't get too touchy" Why tf did I agree???

He flew towards me and hugged me tightly, well we are floating so don't ask how he flew

Everything started spinning and my head hurted so I shut my eyes tightly and hugged jimin back

Jimin POV

I felt her hug back and I was beyond ecxited! I hugged her tighter and let her rest her head in my shoulders. I felt the others glaring at me and I just smiled cheekily at them

I really like SooMi, I really do, but I don't think i'm the only one, I think everyone else in BTS likes her too, but i'm not gonna let go easily..

Your POV

I felt Jimin hug me tighter which caused me to blush. Set yourself straight SooMi!! Why are you blushing?!!

I felt the spinning stop and I opened my eyes but Jimin is still hugging me

"Um, Jimin.. you can let go now" I said weirdly. Wth?

"Yahh Jimin, let go of the poor girl, your suffocating her!" Jin yelled at Jimin and he immedietely let go of me

"Thanks Jin oppa" I said. Woah, I called him oppa?!

"O-oppa?" Jin stuttered and had a tint of red spread across his face

"Um, I won't call you like that if you don't like it.. it just slipped off my mouth, I am very sorry!" I panicked abit because I thought he was getting red of anger. (Unfortunetly, you're wrong.. LOVE~ LOVE~ LOVE~)

"Nono, it's okaay, you can call me.. o-oppa.." He blushed even more which I found cute

"Okay Jin oppa!" I yelled which caught the attention of the otherz

"Yahh! Why'd you call him oppa and not me?" Taehyung whined and started pouting

"Because I want to" I replied back to him which caused his pout to grow more

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