Chapter 5: Whats happening?

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(Junkook looks so innocent am I right?)

Tzuyu POV

I hate her! She gets all the attention from BTS and I can't?! She needs to learn a lesson!

"Come one girls, let's teach this girl a lesson" as soon as SooMi went out the girls bathroom, Nayeon immedietly pinned her to the wall

"Hello, what a coincidence you're here?"


I finished combing my hair and was about to go outside when someone suddenly pinned me to the wall

"Hello, what a coincidence you're here" A voice said. I looked up and saw Tzuyu with her two other minions.

"Tzuyu" I hissed

"What is it dear?" She went closer and closer to mt face and stopped. I could feel her breath hitting my nose. To be honest, here breath smells like toothpaste

"Stay.away.from.them!" And with that, she slapped me in the face. The person who pinned me to the wall threw me down on the floor and kicked my face. Jeongyeon then held tight on my hair and made me face Tzuyu.

"Oh my, what happened to your face?" She asked sarcasticly, she then punched me in the face.

"Much better" she said. I could feel blood flowing down from my lips and cheeks.

"Thats all you got?" I asked her back. I harshly stood up, ignoring the pain, I punched her back. She faced me again and grabbed my hair and started shaking my head violently, and by instincts, I did the same to her.

I pushed her away from me and punched her everywhere in her body while her two minions juet stood and watched. She ran up to me and pushed me to the floor and hovered on top of me. She started slapping my face left and right repeatedly and kept on screaming

"STAY.AWAY.FROM.THEM! THEY.ARE.MINE.AND.MINE.ONLY!" I had enough of her beatings and decided to push her next to me and hover on top of her.

"Its my turn now.." I grinned at her evily and raised my hand, a thin black string came out of my palms and circled around her neck. I tightened my hands into a fist which caused the black string to tighten around her neck, choking her.

She kept an kicking and holding unto her neck while I just looked at her with anger in my eyes. I was out of control, the monster inside of me was comming..

My eyes turned bright red which caused her two other minions to widen their eyes in shock.

We suddenly heard footsteps comming towards us.

"STOP!" Wait, that voice is familiar..

I looked behind me and saw all of BTS. My eyes diverted to  the girl I was strangling, I snapped out of my rage which caused the red in my eyes to disappear and stop the spell I was putting unto her. She quickly stood up coughing, and pointing at me.

"M-monster! Shes a monster! She tried to kill me!" Tzuyu pointed at me while I widened my eyes

"I didn't! She started it-" I was cut off

"SooMi! Stop lying, it was clear of what you were doing to her!" Hoseok yelled at me.

"She told me to stay away from you guys or else she'll kill me!" Tzuyu started crying and ran to Taehyung's arms, surprisingly, Taehyung hugged her back.

"I never knew you were this kind of person, SooMi" Jungkook looked st me in disgust.

"Please! She was the one who started it! Believe me!" I tried to convince them, but it was no use, they all believed her instead of me.

I suddenly felt dizzy and fell to my knees. The last thing I saw was a man coming from behind me and carried me, he screamed something to bangtan and ran, leaving all of the commotion.

I fluttered my eys open and was greeted with nothing but whiteness. Where am I? I looked around and saw nothing, I realized I was floating on air and stood up. How is this possible? I then saw a dark figure walking closer and closer to me, keeping their head down.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously. The figure slowly lifted her head and showed her face. And what surprised me was, she looked exactly like me! But she had jet black hair and looked very pale.

"I a you.." The person said

"My name is Lisa, your past self.." She muttered and reached out for my hand and I immedietly backed out, is she even trustable? And as if she was reading my thoughts, she replied

"You can trust me, don't be scared, you will need me in the future"

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"They are coming, you better get prepared, they will not be defeated by anyone but the 8 protectors, I used to be one of them. The folk stories about the 8 protectors is no lie, we are real, and our souls are hidden among 8 students in this school." She told me

"So?" I was still a little confused of what she was telling me

"Hold my hand, with that simple gesture, we can share your body" she said

"Sh-share bodies?!" I asked surprised.

"Don't be such a fool, you will still be in control of your body, I will just be in your conscience talking to you, you can also use some of my powers, I will lead you, so that you may not repeat the same mistake I did in the past. I didn't save him.." without thinking, my hand suddenly reached out to hers which ignited very bright light in between us.

"Goodbye, we shall meet each other again" and with that she started disappearing.


I jumped up from my lying position and panted.

"Are you okay?" I heard a boys' voice say. I looked beside me and found an unfamiliar boy looking at me

"Who are you?"

"Ah~ my apologies, my name is Oh Sehun, I was the one who brang you here" He introduced himself

"What happened and where am I?"

"Your in the nurses' office, you got into a fight with the rumored 8th protector and ended up here" He said while pointing at the ground

"Ah~ ok, thank you for bringing me here" I said. I was about to leave when a hand stopped me

"C-can we be friends?" He asked with a tint of light red in his cheeks

"Your not afraid of me?" I asked confused

"Why would I?"

"Because I fought with the rumored 8th protector"

"No! I'm not afraid of you, we actually believe you that you didn't start the fight!" He replied


"My other hyungs! We were there when the fight started, we were hiding in the boys bathroom."

Who are those other hyungs you're talking about?"

"Do you really not know us? We are EXO! One of the most popular group here in school!" He said while straightening his shirt and fixing his tie.

I laughed at his silliness

"Really? Well then, i'll be your friend!" I said. Out of nowhere, he suddenly hugged me which caused me to step back a little.

"I'll get going now, see you tommorow!" I waved goodbye to him and he just smiled back.



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