Chapter 17: Love Again?!

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Your POV

I woke up to the sun blinding my eyes which was followed by a familiar voice

"SooMi? Are you awake now?" I started shuffling in my blanket and finally adjusted to the light

"Good morning Hobi! What brings you here?" I questioned him as I stretched my hands up, still lying down on my bed

"Jin hyung told me to wake you up and give you breakfast" He suddenly pulled out a tray filled with food that I didn't even notice and placed it on the side of my bed

I sat up straight and crawled to the food while Hoseok just sat at the edge of the bed playing with his magic.

"Not to be rude but, why are you still here?" I asked him while munching on my food

"I was also told to bring back the tray and plates once you've finished, it would be too bothersome to come back here then go back down there again, and btw, the rest of the guys went out to go to somwhere, leaving us both here all alone" he replied. I only nodded my head and continued eating

(Awkward silence)

All I could hear was the sound of my munching and the birds tweeting. I would occasionally glance at Hoseok to see what he was doing. He looked like he was in deep thought and would sigh repeatedly.

"Hoseok, Are you okay? You've been spacing out for awhile" I asked him. He suddenly turned his gaze on me and widened his eyes but returned back to it's normal state when he cleared his throat

"I.. uhh... was just thinking of.... something.." He said. He seemed to be nervous at the mention of what he was thinking so I stopped asking and continued eating.

After a while I finished eating and sat next to Hoseok.

He glanced at me then back to the tray of plated then stood up

He grabbed the tray and walkec out your bedroom

"Bye SooMi" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice and closed the door.

*sigh* I wonder whats his problem?

I decided to go downstairs and hang out abit. I changed from my pajamas and changef into something more comfortable to wear

I walked out of my room and ran downstairs. (Idk just feel like running lol)

I headed into the living room and sat down in one of the sofas and turned on the TV.

I tried finding a good channel and finally saw a drama i've wanted to watch for so long

"Wahh, the 4th prince is so scary.. I wonder who Hae Soo will be with? Wook looks like a good choice but i'm still voting for the 14th prince!" I murmured to myself

"Ooh~ what's that? Scarlet Heart? I wanna watch!" I turned around and saw Hoseok smiling at me while aproaching the seat next to me and sat down

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Wtf? Is someone playing the drums?

*noise increases*

Wait, is that my.... h-heartbeat?

"Hey SooMi, can you hear that? Sounds like drums" He said curiously while closing his eyes to listen carefully

His ears went closer and closer to my chest and I didn't know what to d-


Oops, did I just? Slap him?

Well, instincts got the best of ya

Your not helping, Lisa -_-

"O-ow! What was that for?!" Hoseok retreated from his past position and sat up straight and held his cheeks while having a pained face

"I'm sorry! I thought I saw a mosquito flying around you and accidently slapped your face" wow, i'm really good at making lies right at the spot!

"Nevermind, it's okay, just be careful next time.." he said and focused back on the TV.

3rd person POV

The atmosphere between the two friends were really awkward. They started conversing with each other and eventually loosened up, they both laughed their hearts out with all the jokes and funny stories they had been saying to each other. Meanwhile their other friends where nowhere to be found inside the said house. After a few hours, they finally felt their eyes getting heavy and didn't even notice themselves actually hugging each other to sleep.

What they also didn't notice was the burning gaze of a black-winged man, maybe in his 50s, starring daggers into the both of them, specifically Hoseok.

"Calm down sweetie, it's not like they are doing anything illegal"

"If that man dares to hurt our daughter, he will face actual hell"

Your POV

"They look so cute!"

"Should we take a picture of them?"

"They look good together"

"I totally ship it!"

"Hey, y'all too nosiy! Look! The girl is waking up!"

I shuffled in my spot and looked up and saw EunBi with 12 other unfamilar guys. I suddenly felt something wrapped around my body.

I looked down and saw a hand resting around my waist. I slowly looked up and saw Hoseok's face near mine. I slightly blushed and tried moving away from him but only resulted to his grip tightening

I looked at EunNi with pleading eyes for her to help me get out of this position but she only gave me a smirk. Traitor!!

Okay, if pushing him won't work, I have no other choice but to do this, as much as I don't want to do this method, i'll have to. Oh god i'm definetely gonna feel bad later

"Hoseok-shi?" I said in a soft voice

"Wake up My Hobi?"

"You really don't want to wake up don't you?"

"Well.....  WAKEUPMYLITTLESUNSHINEHOBIORELSESOMEONEISGETTINGKILLEDTODAY!!!" I shouted with all my might and he suddenly fell down the couch

"Phew" I sighed in relief

If he didn't fall down that damn couch I would've kissed him already, it was soooo tempting.... wait wut?

I stood up from the couch and noticed Hoseok hissing in pain

"When will I stop getting hurt today?" I heard him mumbld to himself wnich made me feel bad again. I held out my hand for him to take and he surprisingly got ahold of it which caught me off guard so when he pulled himself up, I fell down on top of him


1001 words

Hey guys, welcome to another chapter! I'm sorry that I didn't update for a few days, my mom didn't let me use my tablet for one week but I managed to talk to her and my punishment was reduced to 3 days😁😁

I will try my best to update more

Luv u all!



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