Chapter 21: Kookie game

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Jungkook POV

I woke up in an empty dark room. Suddenly, a picture of a bird came to my mind. I shook it away and stood up. I realized I was laying down on the floor and shrugged a bit because of the sudden cold breeze that hit me. I looked around and saw a little bunny with a spot light on top if it not far from me. I walked to it while mumbling "Cute.."

But when I was 3 steps away from it, the bunny's eyes turned red. Black spikes grew from it's back and slowly grew bigger with large claws. I ran away from it as it looked very well like something I wanted to forget...

I found a door in the end of the dark  room  and tried opening it but it was locked. I tried banging on it and crying for help but it was no use. I peeked through the little hole and saw another big room. Even though it was very dark, I could still see a figure sitting down on a brown chair on the other side of the door. The figure had long purple hair and looked very familiar. The figure raised it's head and looked panicked. The figure was..... SooMi?!

A covered her mouth before she could even scream. The hand pulled her out of the chair and slashed her stomach with a sword. Before I could even continue watching, something tapped me from behind which made me look there immedietly.

There stood a little girl all covered in tears while holding a little teddy bear on her right hand hugging it tightly. The girl looked at me in a creepy way which sent shivers down my spine.

"Daddy's gonna be mad.." She whispered in a creepy way.

"!" She suddenly screamed and held my neck tightly. The little girl I talked with was replaced with the same black spiked monster that scared the shit outta me.

"If you wanna see SooMi alive, you have to play my game..." It whispered into my ear.  I sighed in relief when it disappeared but got happy when I saw the 6 people who i've been wanting to see. 

"Hyungs!" I called out to them but they didn't seem to notice me. They sat down clumsily on a couch that magically appeared out of nowhere. I tried calling out to them again but got interrupted by what Namjoon hyung said

"I hate Jungkook so much!" He screamed at the top  of his lungs. I tried swallowing up my tears as I watched the members nod their heads

"He's so freaking annoying" Yoongi hyung followed.

"He thinks he's better than us, just because he has Perfection Magic" Jimin hyung said

"He's such a jerk, there were rumors he slept with multiple other maidens from their kingdom" I never did that.. 

"He even badmouthed us behind our backs" I never did that too..

"I even heard him mumble that he was just using us for popularity!" That's not it..

"He even spilled our secrets to random people to ruin our image" No, I stayed loyal, I never even did that..

"I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!" Taehyung hyung, not you too...

I cried and cried my heart out but they didn't even seem to notice. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the same black spiked creature grinning at me and my members. I couldn't hold my anger any longer and ran towards it while choking his neck with my powers

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" I yelled at the monster who looked shocked because he didn't expect me to act this way.

My hands turned to red claws as my sharp nails dug unto it's skin. My eyes turned a shade of light pink as my other free hand started stabbing the monster with a dagger I didn't know I had.

"You won.." The monster whispered as it slowly vanished into dust. I looked at the pile of dust before me and noticed a shining object on top of it. I slowly reached out for it and noticed it was a black key with a design of a rose in the end.

I looked around me and saw my members fading.

"Phew, it wasn't real.." Was what I mumbled before unlocking the door that lead to the room where SooMi was

3rd Person POV

SooMi sat in a brown chair staring at the scene before her

"No... Jungkook didn't die.... no no no...." SooMi whispered as she watched Jungkook getting stabbed at the stomach by a hideous spiked monster

"What do you mean I died? Look SooMi! I'm here in front of you! I defeated the monster!" Jungkook said proudly with a smile on his face. He followed SooMi's gaze and saw a screen playing a scene

It was Jungkook getting stabbed by the Monster

A demon suddenly appeared in front of Jungkook with a grin

"She's looking at the lie screen. A screen that shows lie's instead of truth's. With the help of this Lie Screen, we can turn her into her most destructive form, the so called Lucifer's form.." Jungkook looked at the demon confusingly but the demon only smirked. Jungkook noticed SooMi's eyes getting black

"I need more anger to make her transform!And by the way, don't try helping her, cause you can't" The demon said. Jungkook didn't listen and ran to where SooMi was sitting at but immediately got blown away by some force surrounding the place SooMi was in

He saw a big scar growing in SooMi's wrists as he tried banging on the magical shield surrounding her. He soon realized that the more he tries to break the shield, the bigger the scar got


Next is Jin's mini-game...

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