Chapter thirty six.

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I think I drank too much.

My eyes had widened at Liam's words and I quickly stood up, reminding myself that Liam was drunk. "You've been drinking." I said to him, but he had already fallen asleep. I watched him breath and it was like I was frozen in my place. His blond hair was flat against his pillow and he smelt like alcohol. I bit my fingernails, wondering if what he said was true. He looked peaceful sleeping and I wondered if he would remember what he said in the morning.

I left the room and closed his bedroom door, thinking about what Liam had said. He was drunk, he didn't mean what he said. He didn't love me like that, of course he didn't. It was Liam Gilbert, he couldn't possibly love me. It felt like I was losing my mind and I wanted to forget what he said. I was still getting over Mason and his death, how was I supposed to respond to that?

I went to sleep straight after that and I woke up earlier than usual. I quietly walked downstairs and got myself some cereal and a glass of juice. My head was a little bit sore, but not as much as Liam's would be. I thought about what he said again and I kept replaying it in my mind to the point where it was driving me crazy.

A few minutes after eating my cereal, I heard a door open and footsteps travel down the stairs. Liam appeared in my view looking rough and messy with crazy bed hair. He rubbed his eyes, yawning in the process and walked in. I said nothing and played with my cereal, taking small bites and trying to avoid eye contact. I heard him rummaging around in the fridge before I heard the door close and he took a seat opposite me with a carton of juice.

"Well, don't you look glamorous this morning." I finally spoke.

Liam looked up at me. "Hangovers aren't glamorous."

I wanted to ask him about last night and what he said, but maybe he didn't want to remember and I was hoping he had forgotten. "You were pretty drunk last night."

He nodded. "Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid."

"Define stupid." I said, hoping he would tell me instead of me having to ask. I highly doubted it, though.

He shrugged. "I don't know, I don't even remember half the time."

My stomach relaxed a little and my mind began to ease. "So, you don't remember last night?"

He shook his head. "Nothing," he took a sip of juice, "do you want to enlighten me?"

I didn't know what to say at this point and I didn't know if I should've been honest with him or if I should just leave it. I would be leaving in two months and I was still getting over Mason and maybe Liam didn't mean it. He could've meant that he loved me as a friend. "Well," I made a quick decision, "you lit candles and nearly burnt the house down, you wanted to dance and then you wanted to kiss me for New Year's." I told him half the truth and that was all that he was getting.

Wow, I've become a pretty good liar. Thanks to Liam.

"Wow," his face looked shocked "I apologize for my behaviour."

I shrugged it off. "It's okay, I understand that you were drunk."

The phone rang, interrupting our conversation and I was relieved. He moaned in pain as his head throbbed because of the pain when he went to answer it. "Hello...." He said into the phone before his eyes widened. "You'll be home in an hour!?"

"Crap!" I said as I rushed to the kitchen to place my bowl into the dishwasher.

"Okay," Liam said, "we'll see you soon." He hung up and he looked worried. "We have to clean this place in under an hour!"

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