Chapter twenty.

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Who knew a high school party would be this intense and insanely loud. I had to admit, I was enjoying myself and I had forgotten about my worries and what really brought me here. Liam looked really happy, like he was in his happy place with a beer in his hands and it was splashing around as he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

People were all around us, dancing, flirting, making out and playing drinking games and everyone looked so cool in their Halloween costumes. I was surrounded by ghosts, vampires, skeletons, sexy nurses, zombies, witches and so much more. It felt like a haunted house except the fact that it was loud and the music was booming in my ears and nothing was jumping out and scaring the crap out of me.

We had been dancing for a good ten minutes before I began to feel tired and dehydrated. Dancing in a cat costume was not at all fun, it was hot and sweaty and I needed to get some fresh air. That's what I told Liam anyway, who was taking a sip from his half empty cup, he had been dancing, giving his friends a high five and talking to unknown girls. I, on the other hand, left Liam and found Xanthe who was hanging around a group of girls and I saw that she had her eye on Cameron who had his arm around his girlfriend.

I made myself known and nudged her. "Hey, enjoying the party?"

She shrugged. "It's alright. I don't usually go to parties but, this one is fun. Most of my friends are here from my old school, on the other side of town so I'm catching up with them."

I smiled, noticing Liam who walked into the kitchen for a refill. "That's great! I'll leave you to it and maybe later you can introduce me to some of them."

She nodded. "I would love to."

I smiled again and left to go and see what Liam was up to. He was pouring a liquid substance into his red plastic cup, and when his eyes caught mine, he smiled. "Lou! Aren't you glad I dragged you along to this party?"

I looked around the room to give Liam an honest answer. "It's definitely not what I expected."

"That's a good thing," Liam said, "and my friends really like you."

I chuckled. "I still don't understand why such nice people would want to be friends with you." I teased, nudging Liam.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Very funny," he smirked, "I'm a nice person once you get to know me. I got you to like me, didn't I?"

I laughed at Liam's comment. "Aw, you think I like you?" Before Liam could answer with a sarcastic remark, Xanthe rushed into the kitchen and grabbed my arm in a rush. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

Liam took another long drink. "She's just being dramatic, as usual."

Xanthe looked around, looking distressed and out of breath. "Olivia is at this party, I just saw her. This place isn't big after all."

Liam's eyes widened. "What!?"

"I'm not so dramatic now, am I?" Xanthe growled, releasing her hand from my arm and looking around again. "We need to go."

"Why?" I asked. "I mean, I know what happened, but why do we have to go just because she's here?"

Xanthe sighed, taking my hand and dragging me into the living room with Liam behind me. "Because Olivia hates us and I would rather not cause a scene again."

"Again?" I questioned as we were moving through bodies and bodies of drunk teenagers.

Liam was right behind me, holding his mask in his hand. "No time for questions, we need to leave." He said as we reached the front door.

We all went outside and raced to Liam's car which was on the street. I felt rushed and very confused as to why we had to leave the party early as I was expecting to leave early in the morning. But, I wasn't complaining. I was feeling tired anyway and maybe leaving the party early was a good thing. We all piled into the car and Liam sped off towards their house and the car ride was silent. Nor Xanthe or Liam said a word to each other about what just happened and I wanted to know more.

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