Chapter twenty nine.

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This was a terrible, stupid, ridiculous idea.

I never thought in my entire young life I would be in this position right now. My mind was racing along with my beating heart and I gulped in what was left of my pride and dignity. I knew it was a bad idea to get up this morning and it was an even worse idea to leave the house. I didn't know who to blame. Liam or me? Liam was the one who had this idea, but I agreed to it.

I sat uncomfortably, fidgeting with my fingers and trying to keep myself busy, but nothing was working. "Would you sit still?" I heard Liam's voice from beside me. He looked tired and worn out and he also looked angry.

I couldn't even look at him in the state he was in and I couldn't imagine how I looked. "This is all your fault, you know?" I was cold and wet and I just wanted to go home.

Liam glared at me, his eyes burning into me. "My fault? You were the one who couldn't even run a mile."

I returned the glare Liam was giving me and I crossed my arms over my chest in an angry manner, looking straight ahead and giving him a heavy sigh in response. "This was your idea in the first place, Liam. It doesn't matter if I ran fast enough or not, it was your plan that got us running in the first place."

Liam stared out the window as we were moving quickly through the traffic in the dark with only a few street lights to guide us. "Sure, it was my idea. But, you didn't have to come along."

I scolded him. "Liam, you left me in the car for hours. I was bored and it didn't look like you were coming any time soon." I felt a yawn come on and I wasn't sure what the time was, but I knew it was past midnight. I felt a terrible feeling in my stomach and I knew we were in so much more trouble than I ever anticipated.

We were so dead.


Twelve Hours Earlier.

It would be his birthday today.

"It's Friday," Liam announced cheerfully, cutting me from my thoughts. I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning. "Do you know what that means?" I definitely shouldn't have left the house either.

The lunch bell just rang as Liam appeared beside me, startling me and causing me to drop my textbooks onto the ground. "I realise that it's Friday," I glared at him as I bent down to pick up my books. Liam didn't bother to help me as I gathered up the books I dropped and when I reached his height, I came into contact with his famous smirk. "Thanks for the help, jerk."

"Hey," Liam protested, "don't be so rude."

I opened my locker and placed my books neatly inside. "What do you want, Liam?"

I closed my locker and my eyes met his glowing ones. "I just wanted to remind you that we're going out tonight."

I began walking down the corridor and I expected Liam to follow me. "I remember." I said as Liam caught up to my pace. I was starving and all I wanted to do was eat lunch with Xanthe in the cafeteria, but Liam was annoying the heck out of me. "Is there anything else?" There was no point in asking what Liam had planned for this evening because he wouldn't tell me and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Nope," Liam said, "I was just making sure you remembered."

I rolled my eyes and entered the busy cafeteria where Xanthe was sitting and eating her lunch. I took a seat across from her with a heavy sigh that caught her attention. "What's up?"

"Your brother," I said, "he's annoying."

Xanthe laughed. "And you're just figuring this out?"

I really wanted the guilt of lying to Xanthe to vanish, but Liam told me to keep my mouth shut otherwise we were both dead. "Are you ready for your date tonight?" I brushed my thoughts away and focused on Xanthe and her date with Cameron.

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