Chapter thirteen.

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"You want me to," I looked around to find that nobody was in sight before whispering, "steal?" Liam nodded, a smirk plastered all over his face. He was actually enjoying this, watching me do things I would never dream of doing. "No way!"  

"Come on, Lou! It's fun and it'll get your adrenaline pumping like crazy which will make you want to do it more." Liam told me, acting like it was a normal thing.

I backed even further away, glaring at him. "I'm not a thief!" I wanted to run away from here, to go back to school where I felt safe and calm. I wanted to study, to go to college; not steal candy bars from a convenience store. That was just wrong and if Liam thought he was sucking me in, then he was also wrong.

"It's just a candy bar," Liam shrugged like it was no big deal, "nobody's going to know."

I shook my head in disbelief. "But I will know," I told him in a whisper, "I will know that I stole that candy bar, that I ate it without paying for it. I'm not going to steal with you, Liam. This ditching thing has gone way too far."

"I told you I was taking things to a new level." He said, his voice quiet. If we didn't get out of here, then the guy at the register was going to suspect something, then he would call the cops, accuse us of stealing which was not really accusing because we actually did it. Well, Liam did, but I was his accomplice so that made me just as guilty.

"No, this is far from any level. You're stealing, that's illegal!" I whispered as I took a step closer to him. We were an inch apart, so close that I could feel his breath and smell the cigarettes coming from his breath.

"Oh," he smirked, "is Lou scared?"

I raised my eyebrows at him, wanting to smack that smirk off his face. "Scared?" I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Yeah," he said, "that's why you're not taking the risk. You're scared that you can't do it."

I scoffed. "I could do it if I wanted to, Liam. I just don't want to." I knew I could do it if I wanted to but stealing? That goes way too far and maybe I was afraid of one thing: getting caught.

"Then prove me wrong." He also crossed his arms over his chest, trying to act cool.

That boy made me so angry sometimes. "No, Liam. I will not steal. Can we just go home?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to leave.

Liam leaned in, like he was about to kiss me and it sent shivers up my spine. What would happen if he did plant his soft lips onto mine? Would I push him away or run my fingers through his hair? I knew they would taste like cigarettes, but I knew that his cologne was a stronger smell. His face was inches away from mine and his eyes were sparkling and for some reason, I could see deeper than just his ocean blue eyes or that devilish smirk on his face and I was locked in. I didn't plan to be locked into his gaze nor did I want to but there was something about Liam that made me want more of him.

"Steal the candy bar and then we can go home," Liam whispered, "and maybe you can get that kiss you've been waiting for."

My eyes widened. Did he just read my mind? Oh, God. He was a mind reader too. "Excuse me?"

He looked down on me as he was much taller and I looked up, our gaze never drifting away. "You've wanted me from day one, Lou. I can see it in your eyes."

I scoffed and put my hands onto his hard chest, pushing him away from me. "Your ego is way too big for your head." I glared at him and the gaze was gone. I wanted to keep it there but the fear of losing it all came into my mind.

He put his hand on his heart and I knew he was being sarcastic. "That hurt, Lou." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. "Right."

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