Chapter seven.

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The next morning, I felt like I couldn't even get out of bed. My alarm startled me and I groaned in annoyance. My eyes were heavy and I was warm in my bed and I didn't want to move. I regretted going out the night before because we came home late and we had to wake up early for school.

I forced myself up and my eyes adjusted to my surroundings as I put my glasses on. There was a reason why I didn't stay up past ten because I hated the feeling of being tired and I promised myself that I would never do that again, no matter how much Liam begged or pleaded. If we were going out, we would be doing it during the day.

I decided to take a quick shower to wake myself up, but, that didn't work. I wanted to stay in bed all day and have the luxury that Liam had. I got dressed into casual clothes and I got my school bag ready. I walked out with another yawn and I closed my bedroom door. I leaned against it and saw that Liam's door was closed and it was very quiet. I knew he was sleeping, having no intentions of getting up. But, I wanted him to feel the same pain that I was feeling.

I walked over to his door and banged on it as hard as I could. "Liam! Get up, we have school!" I waited a few seconds to hear nothing in response. I banged again and I still heard nothing.

Xanthe raced up the stairs, already dressed and ready. "You're wasting your time, Louisa. He won't even move until it's midday." She told me with a shrug.

But, I wasn't giving up that easily. I smirked at Xanthe who gave me confused expression. I banged on Liam's door again. "I'm coming in!"

Xanthe stopped me before I grabbed the door handle. "Are you sure you want to go in there? He will eat you alive." I laughed at her comment, taking the doorknob and turning it. "It's your funeral." She raced back downstairs as I flung the door open.

It was dark at first until my eyes adjusted. The curtains were sealed shut and it smelt like bad cologne mixed with cigarette smoke. I wanted to puke and to never set foot in Liam's room again but he owed me so I pushed through.

I walked into his room and noticed how messy it was. Clothes were scattered all over the floor, plates and cups were on his bedside table and his desk had piles and piles of paper and textbooks on top of it. I was shocked as I had never seen such a messy room before and I felt disgusted by the sight of it. My eyes scanned the room and found Liam tangled in between his duvet, snoring with his shirt off and he looked like a starfish with his arms spread out.

I rolled my eyes as I approached his bed and I looked down on him. I smiled, knowing this was going to be fun. I shook him at first, hoping it would work. "Liam!" I yelled, shaking him more. He moaned and rolled over to his side, facing away from me. I placed my hands onto my hips and looked at the duvet that was covering half of his body. I pulled the duvet right of him, showing Liam's boxer shorts and boy, was I grateful that he was wearing them. "Hey! Time to get up, you're going to be late!" I yelled, shaking him.

"Go away!" Liam moaned, trying to fall asleep again.

I smirked, hoping to get him angry enough to open his eyes. "Liam," I said, "we have school!" I touched his torso and it felt warm against my cold hands. He flinched as I tried my hardest to roll him out of bed. After a few failed attempts, I finally managed to roll Liam out of bed. He made a loud thump onto the ground and I winced at how much that would've hurt.

He groaned in pain as he rolled onto his back. His eyes opened slowly and I was looking down on him with my arms crossed across my chest. "Good, you're up." I smiled.

"Lou," he groaned again, "haven't you heard of knocking?"

I yawned again. "Get up, get dressed and get ready for school. You're driving." I told him.

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