Chapter twelve.

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I woke up naturally. Usually, I would stay awake until my alarm goes off but for some reason, today felt different. I stayed in bed for another thirty seconds before pressing the home button on my iPhone. My eyes widened and I fell out of my bed, face first. I groaned and mentally cursed at Liam for making us go out so late. I wondered why my alarm didn't go off, but I didn't have time for unanswered questions.

It was nine o'clock and I was extremely late.

I got myself up and raced to my set of drawers, not having time for a shower. I threw on a simple T-shirt and a pair of shorts, not caring about the cold. I didn't even brush my hair or my teeth. I raced out the door and saw that Liam's door was closed. I didn't even knock this time, I just flung it open and Liam was curled up in his blankets, snoring.

"Liam!" I screeched. "Get up, we're so late!"

He moaned and opened his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Calm down, Lou. It's not the end of the world."

"It is the end of the world," I said, "we're so late. Oh, god. I'm going to get a late slip and then a detention and then I'm going to get shipped home to some boarding school in France without civilization all because my stupid alarm didn't go off!"

Liam laughed. "You're so dramatic," he said, "that won't happen."

"Crap, Liam!" I yelled. "I have a math test today!"

Liam groaned. "You can always retake the test on Monday. The teachers aren't that harsh."

I ran my fingers through my messy hair. "They will be if they find out I'm lying to them about being sick. Karama is mean and it will kick me in the butt."

Liam laughed. "They won't find out, chill."

I stayed silent again before my mind came to another dilemma. "Why didn't my alarm go off? Oh, God. It's broken!" I yelled, pacing round Liam's bedroom. "What happens if it doesn't go off on Monday like it did today? What then? Do I have to replace my phone, buy an alarm clock?"

"Such a drama queen," Liam mumbled, "I switched it off for you."

I stopped pacing and turned around, not looking too pleased with what he said. "You what!? Why would you do that, Liam!?"

"Because," he yawned, "it's ditching day."

I frowned, my face beginning to get hot. "For the entire day?"

He nodded and lifted the covers off himself, exposing his bare chest and boxer shorts. He got up, sat at the edge of the bed and rubbed his eyes. "Yes, for the whole day."

"But," I was lost for words, "but what about Xanthe or your parents or the school? Oh, God."

Liam chuckled. "Stop freaking out, today will be fun," he said with a cheesy smile, "and don't worry about them. I called the school last night and I told Xanthe not to worry about you because you have the flu. My parents are cool that you stay home."

I frowned. "Seriously? And you didn't bother telling me this last night?"

He shrugged. "Nah, I thought I might let you sleep in and then we can go on an adventure."

"You've said that word too many times." I mumbled, walking out of his bedroom. I had been defeated and Liam was taking this ditching thing way too far. I couldn't handle this, just for one study session. Liam didn't even listen and half the time he was preoccupied with something else. I walked into my bedroom and sighed heavily. I was sleepy from last night and my stomach was turning at the fact that I had skipped school again and that Liam lied to everyone by saying that I was sick.

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