Chapter twenty six.

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"Can't we let the maid do the dishes?" Liam asked as I started running the hot water and adding dishwashing liquid.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "No, Liam. We made the mess so we should clean it up." I stopped the hot water which was filled with bubbles. "You're drying." I tossed the towel his way and he caught it in one swift movement.

He moaned, standing next to me as I started to wash the dishes. "Fine."

"Technically, you made the mess," I smirked, "so you should clean it up."

He scoffed. "The chef never does the dishes." Without thinking, I splashed some dish water in his direction and it landed somewhere on his face. I laughed as he glared at me. "That is no way to treat the person who fed you."

I laughed. "Well, I could've used that twenty to get room service. It would've been so much better, no cleaning up."

"Funny." He cracked a smile as he dipped his fingers in the water and he flicked it in my direction. It splashed onto my glasses and I glared at him as I dried my hands on the towel he was holding and I wiped my glasses on my T-shirt.

"We should stop," I giggled, "we need to finish these dishes before Xanthe and your parents get back and besides, I really don't feel like cleaning up anymore mess that you make." He agreed and we quickly finished the dishes, feeling tired. Xanthe hadn't returned yet so we decided to use that twenty for dessert that the hotel had to offer. I ordered a chocolate sundae and Liam ordered a banana split. It was nice and in that moment of being in silence and eating our desserts, I didn't want to leave.

Xanthe returned just after we finished our desserts, she looked extremely tired and drained from this busy day. "How was dinner?" Liam asked as he switched on the TV. "Did mom and dad give you another lecture?"

"When does it ever stop?" She asked, not expecting an answer in return. "Oh, and by the way, you're grounded for the next two weeks."

Liam snapped his head towards his sister angrily. "What!? Two weeks!?"

She nodded, yawning and slipping her shoes off. "Yeah, so you go to school and come home. No parties, no sneaking out and no ditching." She told him.

"That's never stopped him before." I winked at Xanthe who chuckled.

"Is this for ditching you guys at the open day?" Liam asked and Xanthe simply nodded. "What about Lou? It was her idea in the first place."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for throwing me under the bus again." I muttered to myself with my arms crossed over my chest.

"She's the exchange student," Xanthe shrugged, "they think you forced her to tag along with you."

I smirked as Liam glared at me. "I guess our Friday night adventure is going to be postponed. Again." And I was pretty sure I felt relieved when he said those words.


Let's just say I felt relieved when Liam told me that it was going to be postponed. As much as I loved hanging out with him, I was afraid of what this adventure entailed. Sure, I was used to them by now, but they still scared me.

That candy bar scarred me for life.

"I don't want to hear it, Liam!" Mrs. Gilbert yelled as she was seated in the passenger seat, typing away on her phone while Mr. Gilbert was driving us back home. Today was the same as yesterday except the fact that we didn't ditch them. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert kept a close eye on us the entire time and we sat through the lectures, having no interest in them at all.

"Mom," Liam leaned forward in the back seat, "do you understand that I have no interest in law at all?"

His mother sighed, turning around to meet her son's eyes. "Why not? Being a lawyer is a stable career and who's going to take over the business? Xanthe can't do it on her own." Liam groaned as Mrs. Gilbert turned around again and he gave up the fight. I got annoyed by that so I go out my phone and texted him instead. It was quiet and I wasn't going to go against how Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert were raising their children, I was their guest and I had no right to question that.

Going the Distance ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon