"O-oh thank you, but I don't think they would of gone here-" you tried protesting knowing that door didn't lead to the others.

"I did just open the door!" Mikoto insisted.

Hesitating your hand clutched the door knob. Opening the door slowly you only sad a hotel room.

"Uh Mikoto sir, I think you were mistaken my friends are definitely-" suddenly you were pushed in and your body landed harshly onto the floor.

"What a stupid girl. Believing in a guy like me." He chuckled as he approached you.

You noticed he didn't lock the door as he slowly made his way closer and closer.

Grabbing your phone you tried texting your location to Karasuma.

Before you could hit enter Mikoto had already hit your phone away.

"W-what are you going to do!" You said as you managed to get up.

"What do you think a normal guy does with a woman alone..."

"N-no! I won't let you!" You said as you got into a fighting stance. But you were scared.

This brought you flashbacks from the trip in Kyoto. You didn't want to experience those again.

"Girly you might now some defence moves but I got Judo on my side." He said as he swiftly blocked your hit and managed to pin you against the wall.

Ritsu then appeared on your phone. Hearing everything that just happened, she saw the text you were about to send, and immediately sent it to Karasuma.



"Hm?" Karasuma hummed as he opened his phone.

The moment his eyes locked onto the text messages his eyes lit up with worry.

"Who is willing to go to (Y/N) right now. She's currently in room 37, with an unknown stranger."

"H-how do you know this!" Terasaka asked.

"Ritsu explained the situation now there's no time to waste who is willing to go?!"

"I will!"


"Say goodbye to this." Mikoto said as he took off Karma's sweater.

You freaked out, screaming and struggling against his grip but he was too strong.

"N-no I need that. I need that sweater. I need it. Why do I need it?! I need it because it has Karma's scent on it....."

"I n-need him!" You exclaimed as the door was shot wide open. In came Isogai alongside with Karma.

-Karma's POV-"


I wonder if she's talking about Isogai. Why did he even bother to come along. What happens if he actually confesses, it doesn't matter now anyways (Y/N) is right behind this door!

The moment I opened the door I couldn't help but feel anger ingulf me. Without hesitating I instantly punched that guy hard onto the ground. (Y/N) scurrying away grabbing both her phone and my sweater. She ran into Isogai's arms, as she cried in an instant.

This only made my anger rise even more as I start beating the man with no mercy.

"P-please stop I-I'm sorry!" He yelled. But I continued hitting him.

-Third POV-

The moment Mikoto was off of you, you grabbed your things and ran over to Isogai crying.

"I-I was s-so scared!" You said in between sobs. Isogai only patted your head as he reassured you everything was alright.

Then he told you to stay put.

"Karma! Stop it we don't want to get in trouble now let's go!" Isogai tried talking to Karma, but it was clear he was angry.

"Why should I let this prick go! He could of laid his disgusting hands on (Y/N)!" Karma said as he tied his hands up.

"(Y/N) has had enough Karma! Are you even thinking how traumatized she is right now!?" Isogai yelled.

Karma froze. He looked at Mikoto.

Untying the man he cover his mouth with his own hand.

"Now listen here buddy. Fucking touch her again, I'll make you forget the word mercy fucking exists. Same goes if this slips out to anyone. Don't think your safe either because...." Karma pulled out his phone, taking a picture of the ID he got off of him and his face together.

"You won't be able to escape..." he growled as he got up.

Leaving the hotel room, Isogai offered to give you a piggy back ride.

Relaxing into his back whilst blushing.

You took a deep inhale of the unfamiliar scent. Calming yourself, you found out that in the end you ended up smelling Karma's hoodie instead of Isogai, then realized how weird you were for liking how people smell.

Yet for some reason you wished it was Karma instead of Isogai.

My Endurance (Karma Akabane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now