|36| Sporting Starts

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I know it's not as great as my other ones, but I'm currently suffering through anxiety because I witnessed one of my best friends fight with another girl for appropriate reasons, but I don't know whether to lie and defend my friend or tell the truth.

-Third POV-
It was the day of the sports festival. And you wanted to give it your all, Isogai's personal life depends on it after all!

Well maybe not.

You overheard that the bet is if they beat them at pole toppling. So it didn't really matter if you won or lost.

But surprisingly you were doing pretty well, thanks to all the assassination training. Taking a break you run up to see Nagisa.

"Are you ready to fight Asano?" You asked.

Nagisa just smiled calmly. "I'm kind of nervous, but for some reason I feel like we got this!" He exclaimed.

"I'm just scared he might use underhand tactics like his father."

"Well if he does then it's his fault! He's so scared of you guys~" You cheered him on.

Nagisa bows as a thanks as he runs towards the other boys.

They were all huddling together, forming some plan of some sort.

Whilst this was happening your eyes averted to the cheerleading squad.

Out came girls rolling and doing flips.

"K U N U!" A few of them sang. They got into a formation.

"G I A!" The other's chimed. As they got onto some girls hands.

"O K A!" A familiar face cheers as she flips on top of the girls to create a pyramid.

There flashing your school colours was non other then Ikumi!

Waving high to her, Ikumi met your face. She smiled and waved back.

But this seemed to cause a reaction as you watch one of the girls let go of Ikumi's leg. She fell down face first.

You felt bad as you ran over to see her.

"Ikumi!" You chimed as you got closer.

"Ew it's an E-Class dork! Get out of here you don't have any right to talk to us." One girl sneered at you.

"Hey I do have my rights to talk! You dropped her!" You exclaimed.

Suddenly you were pushed to the ground.

"You have no right to disrespect the other students who have a future You E-Class scum." Non other then Asano himself said.

Ikumi said as she gets up.
"Shuu! That's so mean you shouldn't-" the moment she got up she was ignored as Asano gave her the hand. But she still continues. "Just cause she's part of 3-E doesn't mean we should treat her like that-"

"Yuu, I told you to stop didn't I?" Asano glared as his vein popped.


"Listen you are only here because of how wealthy you are. Your entire existence is just proof of my father controlling my life if you haven't gotten the idea yet can you fucking scram?"

The light in her eyes stopped shining.

"Hey Asano that's not how you should treat a lady." Karma snakes out from behind you.

He gives you a good pat as he glared at Asano.

"At least I have a lady." Asano spat out. Ikumi's eyes had lightened up again.

"At least I love my lady." Karma retorted.
Your face gets red as you try to punch him but he avoids every punch.

"Point taken Akabane. But the points that will be taken during this match will belong to me, then there will be less of you 3E losers."

"I don't need any points since I already scored." Karma answered as he gave you a bear hug.

Your face explodes in anger as you try pushing him off.

"Ah, then one day teach me to find a lady that isn't as shit as the one my father recommended me."

Her once happy face darkens as she walks away.

She runs back to the cheer squad and they seemed to glare at you. But soon their glared died out as they gathered back together.

"Hey what's this thing about me being your lady you dummy?!" You exclaim whilst still trying to punch him.

"Come on did you see the look on his face! Plus it will be my tactic to use against him in the game."

"I don't care! You could of found another way to do it and-"

"Hey, if I win this game will you go on a date with me?"

"N-no! No way!" You blushed.

"Why not? You already pinky promised!" Karma smiled happily as he pulls up both of your pinkies. They seemed to be wrapped around each other which leads you to think how the hell he even did it without you noticing in the first place.

"Hey (Y/N) are you going to let go or wh-"

"YEA I WILL!" You exclaim as you pull away your hand.

"You will go on a date with me if I win? Great! Thanks bye!" Karma smirks as he runs away to the rest of the guys.

You shake your head as you realized what you had gotten yourself into.

But anyways the game was about to start and once you arrive with your friends you see some exchange students that aren't supposed to be where they are.

"That is some underhand tactics!" You called out as you sat down with your friends.

Boring chapter ending I know but honestly this is a filler chapter.

My Endurance (Karma Akabane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now