|13| Bug Bite!

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-Third POV-

After the pool class, it was break Koro-Sensei let you and your classmates study anywhere in the mountain as long as Koro-Sensei was aware of where you were. But instead you stomped over to Karma. Your hands over your chest cheeks puffed as you angrily started to nag at him.

"Oi Bakabane! I could of drowned! You didn't even bother to say sorry or save me!"

"Hm is that my new nickname?"

His head looked up at your figure. He then stood up and grabbed your chin. He leaned in closer, as your face started to get redder confused on his actions.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)."

Karma whispered into your ears. You blushed as you pushed him off using your arms to cover your face. He just smirked at you and laughed.

"Hahah! That expression is priceless! Anyways there's my "sorry" but I mean come on I didn't save you so Isogai could carry you~" your blush deepened as you remember the moment. Something "deepened" in Karma, but it was the feeling of jealousy when he said those words.

"I-I guess that's a valid reason then Bakabane. Oh! That's right I have to go apologize to Isogai for doing those things!" Turning around to walk away Karma then grabbed your arm.

His bangs were covering his eyes and you were confused. "Bakarma you have to study and I'm going to study after I apologize so-"

"No... stay." his words then took you to surprise. Lowering your guard you looked at him. His eyes showed a little bit of hurt but then quickly back to his mischievous side.

"I mean when are you going to confess to the boy already!" He said quickly changing the subject hoping you forgot what just happened, and luckily you did.

Squirming you managed to get your wrist out of his grasp as you looked over to him. "S-shut up! A-anyways it's time to g-go back so l-let's talk about it another time."
Karma sighed. "How am I supposed to help you when you won't do anything..." you angrily glared. "I will! Just watch me Bakabane!"


"Woaaah! That's a cool motorcycle! Did you really make it yourself Koro-Sensei?" Taisei exclaimed as he watched Koro-Sensei mount the bike.

I'm using Yoshida's first name because I have a shortcut for his name which switches it, so thanks for understanding!

You decided just to stay silent and stand beside Nakamura. Just watching how cool your teacher was didn't want to make you kill him. Terasaka then walked in, a frown imprinted onto his face. You zoned out a little before suddenly being scared by a loud bang.

The motorcycle Koro-Sensei built fell onto its side breaking a few parts, and putting the pieces together you figured out Terasaka kicked it over.

"Terasaka why did you do that?! You made Koro-Sensei cry!" You exclaimed as everyone agreed. The frown on his face only increased as he stepped over to you. He bent down to your eye level and glared. "Listen dolly, why don't you stop backing up this octopus. We're supposed to fucking kill him. Not be buddy buddy's with him."

Stepping back a little you took all of your courage to talk back. "H-hey doesn't mean I can't be friends with Koro-Sensei! We can be friends and still have to kill him you know!" Terasaka then stood back up. "Really? Listen here runt, you're all just pathetic if you try and be friends with this octopus."

"I'm n-not a runt!" you said whilst throwing your arm at him. He easily dodged as he grabbed one of your pigtails. Without saying it he yanked it. "O-ow!" Terasaka then continued to yank your hair as he approached his desk. He took out some sort of spray can and it landed between your feet.

"You fucking bug! Now buzz off." He said as he threw you to the ground. Koro-Sensei then stopped crying as he got mad. "Now Terasaka pranks aren't funny! Apologize to (Y/N) immediately-" Terasaka then pushed Koro-Sensei away. "Fuck off tentacles." He said angrily

"Now what's gotten into your pants, I never knew you could even talk to a girl Terasaka. If you're so pissed at us for being buddy buddy with Koro-Sensei why not just man up and kill him." Karma said. He then walked closer helping you get up, walking over to Nagisa as he patted your back to get whatever was in the can out of your system.

This seemed to piss off Terasaka as he approached Karma. "Oh you shut it you don't know how long I've wanted to-" karma then had Terasaka's mouth in a strong grip. His finger over his own mouth as he spoke. "You know you have to hurt me before you claim it... actions speak louder then words after all."

Terasaka only pushed off Karma as he angrily walked away.


Later in the evening Terasaka met up with Shiro and Itona. "Ahh yes... everything is in place. Now Terasaka are there any classmates that can't swim?" Terasaka smirked. "Oh.... there's (Y/N)."

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