Chapter 1: When I First Saw Him

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He's been saved in my contacts under ♡♥Bestfriend♥♡. I wouldn't exactly call him my bestfriend, though. It's kind of like an inside joke, our "relationship". Only between us two. I look at us as how I think we really are- A guy who didn't get a chance to finish what he started and a girl who actually fell in love with this.....player. I should just start from the beginning.

Well, it all started when my mom came back from Chicago because her marriage failed. I didn't go with her because I had a bad vibe coming from the picture of her husband, Petey, she showed me from Facebook. I trust my vibes. They have always been correct. Anyway, she came back from Chicago with less stuff then she left with- including some of my stuff. Suposedly, she was just trying to move out of there as fast as she could. I don't really care though because it was mostly material things.

I was living with my great grandmother, Mum, before my mom moved. My mom instantly found a place back down here in little old Alton. I didn't want to move, but I didnt really have a choice. Of course my bus was changed. So, I went from bus 41 to bus 46. I didn't really know anyone from bus 46. I knew right away that there was going to be some kind of problem.

I got on the bus- the second seat on the left to be exact. Soon, the bus started filing in and I noticed that I would be sitting alone. I sat at the edge of the seat to make it look like I wanted to be alone. Then, he came on the bus. I had never seen anyone so beautiful before. He had curly brownish-blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was an eighth grader. I could've melted right there. When he was getting on the bus, it seemed like everything was going in slow motion. After he passed my seat, everything went back to normal.

I thought to myself, Damn, he's fine. He's way out of my league, though. Suddenly, I felt the person behind me start to punch the seat. I tried to sit there quietly and not get mad because I didn't know anyone. I didn't have the time to get jumped by a bunch of people. About two minutes later, the sexy white boy poked his head up next to me and said,"Is he bothering you?" I turned to him and told him,"Yes." I heard him tell the other guy to stop because it was bothering me. The other guy was a black boy. He poked his head over the seat and told me that he was sorry. The sexy white boy poked his head back around the seat and asked me what my name was. I turned around to him and said,"Why?"

"So, I can know." he said. I turned back around to make sure I didn't miss my stop. I also ignored his question. So, he asked,"Are you gonna tell me your name?"

"No." I snapped back. He turned back around and I heard him say, "Bitch."

He didn't know that I had heard him but I did. I got off at the next stop even though it wasn't my stop. He had pissed me all the way off. I walked home and went straight upstairs to my room and thought about how sexy he was and how he pissed me off.

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