Volume ii - Chapter 21

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God, I love it when he makes me feel like this.

"oooOOOOooo." Gemma sang, "You two are getting pretty cosy."

Zayn chuckled and pulled me even closer as I turned my head to her and flashed her my cheesiest smile.

"Is this a thing now?" Liam questioned Zayn with a smile, letting him know it was okay.

"I guess you could say that," he commented, laughing when he saw my face.

I love to make him laugh.

And I love the feeling I get when he looks at me.

"That's really cute, guys!" Gemma commented as she leaned into Liam, letting him hook an arm around her waist, mimicking Zayn and I's position.

I cleared by throat after I swallowed and gestured between the two of them.

"What about you two, huh?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow as I sat up, out of Zayn's grasp.

Liam and Gemma looked at each other and smiled before she blushed and buried her head in his shoulder, letting him reply.

"Uh, yeah, we are." He said, looking down at her affectionately and giving her a light squeeze.

Zayn cooed as he leant forward and put his head on my shoulder.

"But seriously," he said. "What do you guys think of Harry and Louis? Like, do you think they're dating or something?"

Great. So now we're back to this.

Thanks Zayn.

I silently cursed him as I shook my head.

"I don't know," Gemma commented. "I mean, it's pretty weird, my brother and my ex, like, I don't know..."

Well that was a very insightful comment, Gemma. Thank you for sharing.

I've never been a big fan of Gemma's. After all, if it wasn't for her flaunting Louis around all the time they were together, I wouldn't have had to have seen my best friend so upset all the time.

"Well I think there's definitely something there," Liam announced. "The way they look at each other and the way they speak to each other, not to mention all the alone time they've been having lately. If there not already together, I'll bet anyone 10 quid they will be by the time this trip is over."

"I'll take you up on that!" Zayn replied only to be met with questioning looks from the rest of us. I turned by body so his head was thrown off my shoulder.

"Please explain." I stated.

"Well, it's just, Louis isn't one to move fast. I'm not denying there's anything there, I'm just saying that Louis takes things slow and I doubt he'll make it official anytime soon." Zayn clarified.

"Yeah," Gemma piped up "I remember it took him ages to grow a set and ask me out!" she said, making us all laugh at his shy nature when it comes to relationships.

"So I will accept that bet, Li." Zayn said after we'd died down, making me look up at him.

"Alright, 10 quid." Liam replied with a smirk.

"Game on." Zayn responded, just as confidently.

"You're going down mate," Liam snarled with a grin as he stuck out his hand to shake on the bet, making Gemma and I laugh.

I don't know why, but suddenly, after this conversation, I felt like I was much closer with them. I don't know if it was because I felt like I had a weight lifted off my chest now that Zayn and I had finally told someone about us, or because now we had all bonded over a common subject, but I definitely felt more comfortable around them.

I smiled to myself as I thought about today and how great I felt while the conversation continued around me.

"What makes you so sure?" Zayn asked, incredulous at his friend's confidence as he took his hand. "We're his two closest mates, you know how he is."

Liam shrugged, nonchalant, as he leant back from the shake.

"This one's different. I can tell."


After lunch and our little cool off in the water, we all got up and continued our hike. Liam and Gemma lead, like before and Zayn and I walked behind, but we weren't as separated as before.

After our little bonding session on the beach, talking about relationships and such, I felt like we were closer as a result.

It made me happy. Since Harry's off with Louis all the time, I felt like I had more friends to keep me company.

And Zayn. Zayn's company is great too.

I looked up, expecting to see Gemma's back as we walked but instead all I could see was blonde. She had stopped and I had walked straight into her back, her hair all over my face.


I spat it out as I stepped back grimacing.

"Gem! I-" I started but was cut off her clamping her hand over my mouth.

"Shh! Look!" she said, keeping her hand where it was and grabbing my hair and moving my head to look past her and into a clearing.

I wanted to scream at her cause it really hurt, but she still had her hand over my mouth. I tried squirming out of her grip but it was no use.

She really is strong for girl.

I eventually gave up, pouted, then looked around.

We were standing slightly back from it, so the trees and bushes covered us, protecting us from view. Liam and Zayn were standing beside Gemma and I, staring as well.

It wasn't until then that I got a good look at what I was supposed to be seeing.

It was Harry and Louis in the clearing.

And it didn't look good.

A Weekend Away // l.s.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat