Two-faced orange

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I walked over to a local cafe in town. The wheather was chilly, autumn was making its way into winter. I tightened my scarf that was around my neck, enjoying the cold. People thought it was weird that I was liking this wheather, but to me, this was much better than summer. I feel like I just loose my emotions in summer, as if there is no chance. In autumn, my emotions and creativity comes up to the surface . I felt becoming more alive the moment leaves died. I looked around at the leaves on the ground. Maybe death wasn't that scary as we thought. Maybe death was a sacrifice. Maybe death would be our transport to something much better. I didn't know what happened after death. I knew there was something, since I knew this all couldn't go to waste. If a leaf is magnificent when it is dead, how couldn't I believe we would too. I let out a breath when I entered the cafe. Looking around, I smiled softly at how beautiful they had decorated it. Lights were everywhere, scents of candles reaching my nose mixed with the smell of coffee and cream. I walked over to the woman that was already smiling at me from behind the counter.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked me. I knew she was new, since I knew the owner of the place. I looked over at the menu, trying to find something that suits the season.

"Wait, let me guess, would you like some pumpkin pie cappucino?" she said, still smiling at me. I couldn't reject her offer so I nodded and paid for it. I found a place to sit near the fireplace that smelled like toasted marshmallows. I took off my jacket and scarf before I grabbed my books and laptop. A few minutes later the same lady brought me my coffee.

"I also brought you some carrot cake. I tried a new recipe so I hope you will like it" she said, placing the cake in front of me.

"Oh, but I didn't pay for it" I said, standing up to go and pay for it. She put her hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"I didn't ask you to. Let me just know how it was and that's enough. I need some opinions" she said before she smiled and walked away. I sat down and turned my laptop on, dreading to make the project. I have always liked homework and learning, but this project was something else. I was reading and reading- I couldn't stop it. I was glad that I took the religion part for the project.

After I had worked for two hours, I looked at how far I had come with the project. The information I found was so.. logical. I thought of asking Seda about it, wanting to know her opinion on her own religion.

'He created the heavens and the Earth with truth. He wraps the night around the day and wraps the day around the night, and has made the Sun and Moon subservient, each one running for a specified term. Is He not indeed the Almighty, the Endlessly Forgiving? (Surat az-Zumar, 5)' I read. The thing that intrigued me the most was that their God was always praising Himself. I felt like Him complimenting Himself made it up for what the muslims did, since to them, he is the Almighty. I thought of it as nice yet it could also be thought as egoistic. I wrote down in my notebook to ask Seda about it. When I finished, I saw Noah coming in from the door. He didn't see me, and I turned back towards my laptop. I then felt someone nearing me so I looked up to see him, holding two cups in his hand. He placed one in front of me and seated in the seat next to me. I looked at him for a while, not really understanding what he was doing.

"What? You don't like tea?" he said while sipping on his own.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders as if it was too normal.

"Weren't we going to work on our project?" he asked me, raising his eyebrow. I just looked at him as if he had grown a second head before I turned away towards my laptop. He grabbed his own out of his bag, turning it on.

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